See, even when yer boyfriend, who you quite like, suddenly picks up and goes on a 6 month epic Indiana Jones journey to exciting bomb-riddled sub-emailable countries like India and Pakistan and Iran and beyond, there’s half a packet of fun, bite-sized reasons why you should be pleased:
1. Nellie’s coming!! Finally.
2. The new Eels album. It’s so pretty and lo-fi.
3. Pale green peppermint ice-cream studded through with mini m&ms. Sure, it’s got that non-creamy, skim milk texture… but it shore is funny though.
4. Orange fur-covered bookshelf. It’s orange. It’s furry. You don’t even need books.
5. That scab on your knee from when you fell over unassisted in the street has grown crusty and ripe for the picking. Meanwhile the tiny cut you got while hoicking yourself out of the swimming pool, has become mildly infected – not helped at all by the fact that your big metal watch keeps chafing. You’d think it would have taken a far shorter time to arrive at the idea to switch wrists. But, no. Really.
And so on. And so forth.
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before i had a “blog”, i used to write a sporadically updated letter on the front page of my website. this is one of them. i am consolidating it into these archives, because i can.