i’ve migrated to another server, which necessitated some alternative coding. which means nothing to me, only that the new pages looked crap until i changed something. um, but maybe now it looks crap to you. is the text little and grey with pink links? or is it ugly 12pt times roman, and black and blue with underlines on the links? please leave a horrified comment if it’s the latter. thank you. we apologise for any ugliness.
Hey, girl. The font to me is black and my default browser webpage font, with blue links that would be underlined if I hadn’t turned off the underlining function in my browser.
I miss the tiny grey print, that made me squint, with the pink highlights! Fortunately, your message board is on a separate server and looks just fine.
argh. that makes me unhappy, but at least you’re not squinting. they always say i make the text too small…
hey, it must be about time you met my sister for dosai, no?
um. ok i tried something else. is it any greyer, pinker and smaller?
yah! grey! pink! small!
and eating date with yumei today. win!