the mammoth task ahead of me this week, besides regular werk and meeting friends for luncheons, is culling my decade-old stash of magazines. i try and do this every few years, and it involves spending h o u r s sitting in front of the magazine shelf leafing through old spins and rolling stones and details and esquires and rayguns and bikinis, trying to decide which ones can be chucked out. remember that issue of details from 1991, with pretty young keanu all ted-like on the cover? that one is never even considered for the chuck pile. but the thing is, hardly any of the magazines seem to end up on the chuck pile. maybe, like, two.
so this is probably a really bad week to start my 30 day free dvd delivery trial; i don’t know which will be more distracting, from each other as well as other werk at hand. but you, maybe you don’t have such pressing matters as decade-old magazines to cull. if you live around these parts, you too could get free dvds for 30 days. i mean, when else is telstra gonna give you anything for free?
The only way to really get rid of those cities of ancient print media is to move house. I have had to move five times in the last two years and culled my precious skerricks out of necessity. It’s hard, isn’t it? Like having to chuck your favourite shoes cos you’ve been in denial amount their imminent demise ever since you started feeling the bitumen scraping your big toenail…
i “solved” the problem by just having my dozen subscriptions delivered to work. when the stack gets unbearable, i just throw it into a shipping box and bury it in some corner of my office.
i’ve got two years of such archived. i think i will have to chuck them away soon. instead of sorting through them, i’ll just stick a little Trash sticker on the box and Bam, problem solved. trash you don’t know won’t hurt you.
gem: also, i’ve found that an impending sprog and the space *that* would require has quite a catalystic effect on the “hmm gotta chuck out some stuff” mode.
hikaru: sadly (though really, happily) my home and work space are meshed into one. bedsheets on the shelf above past projects etc. i do agree with your “trash you don’t know” theory though. i’m sure if i were brutal enough to not peruse the magazines, i would have four empty shelves in no time at all.
bloody kid causing trouble already.
yumei’s theory from my freshman year was to sit on my bed and say, as i held up things, my things, “throw. throw. throw.” i guess that is the same theory as trash you don’t know. because, y’know, one person’s four-year collection of magazines… so, i come lah, we, um, throw. HNGH!
yah lah. kid. tchk.
was it yumei saying “throw throw throw” or was it you? because yumei simslike the sensible type who might make sensible (yet brutal) judgements on throwawayability. whereas you, INSANIA, might lie on the bed and read magazines all afternoon, and then when we go out to dinner there will be a layer of magazines over everything.
that was the sound of me falling over and hitting the floor. because YES. also known as, CORRIGHT.
One Trackback
[…] of… throwing out magazines. again. long-time readers may recall an episode — more of a mini series really — almost a year ago, when gripped by the fervour of impending baby, i […]