Naturally, the very morning I’m craving a donut, your website helps out by immediately tantalizing me with the flaky sweet pastry crust depicted therein. But there are no donuts to be had at the cruddy cafeteria in my office building!
was there apple inside? was there peach inside? was there rhubarb inside? what was inside??? was it sugared on the outside? did you bite into it and then have to lick the sugar off your lips and your head??? rargh. post-midnight hunger.
Naturally, the very morning I’m craving a donut, your website helps out by immediately tantalizing me with the flaky sweet pastry crust depicted therein. But there are no donuts to be had at the cruddy cafeteria in my office building!
is there any explanation for this random photo??! can’t. handle. randomness!
was there apple inside? was there peach inside? was there rhubarb inside? what was inside??? was it sugared on the outside? did you bite into it and then have to lick the sugar off your lips and your head??? rargh. post-midnight hunger.