crap. clearly, i have lost the ability to write. a whole week since getting back from whirlwind vacation jaunt, and alls i’ve had time for is to post a picture of a sugar-crusted apple turnover that was eaten on a sunny, grassy spot in narooma. a week gone by filled with werk to be done, dishes to be washed (and cups… so many cups), and um, actually that seems to be it. what the hell?
so, yvette, while that last “entry” may have appeared random, it was actually intended that a roundup of the fun and hijinx surrounding the pastry would soon follow.
alas. but look:
it was a short but intense roadtrip, bookended on one end by enormous and tasty fish and chips at summer-in-wintertime jervis bay, and on the other by a whole grilled trout with buttered almonds and three veg up in the wintery mountain town of adaminiby, “home of the giant trout”. in the middle, aformentioned apple turnover, not quite enough baked treats from bakeries in small coastal towns, a cooler bag full of flavoursome mandarins that the boy had picked off his nanna’s tree just the week before, a visit to the bega cheese factory…

…cheese samples, more breathtakingly gorgeous beaches than you could shake a bit of driftwood at, and — two hours in from the sunny south coast — alpine climes in the snowy mountains.
strange. we awoke in our toasty roadside motel, too early, to the sound of revving 4WDs and families setting off for the snowfields. watched the parade of beanies through the picture window, drinking motel tea and breakfasting on anzac biscuits. hot showered, dressed, stepped outside… and the snow had come to us. it was a just light dusting, and good lord! just like the books said! six points, and all unique! not quite an hour after driving past the statue of the trout in the town centre, there we were standing on the site of the old town of kiandra, except that kiandra was not visible under two feet of fresh powder snow.
well, i was surprised, anyway.
and now, bloody hell, a week’s gone by, and what i’ve done is dishes, and scanning, and fixing up scans, and moving stuff around a page. this week coming up brings more (and more) of the same, but hurrah, culminates in the arrival of nellicent, who’s been meeting, greeting and eating her way around the world, and finally, oh my god, makes it here.
yay a yay.
it’s just, OH MY GOD. i can’t even talk about it. OH MY GOD. wagawagawaga. i like you!!! i come! we go! coming! going! crap, cannot stop. so much nothing. i can’t wait!!!!!! i have to pack. ch. tomorr. no, tomorr tomorr. somehow it will all get done. yaaaaahhhh!!!!!