is this not the most beautiful birthday cake ever?

it was bought for me as a surprise, a few days after the boy, sitting a metre away from me and confirming picnic details over the phone with his mother, said, “and while she’s not listening, i don’t know if you know, but saturday is bowb’s birthday.”
there was meant to be an proper outdoor-in-the-park picnic, with full family and grandparent attendance, but an hour before we were due to meet, the sky turned grey with raincloud, and great gusts of wind were slapping trees about. plan b: we met up on the verandah in the backyard with pies and quiche and rolls and cold chicken and coca cola… and then the gusty winds blew the clouds away and it was clear blue skies once more.
of course.
after consuming more curry chicken pies (three) and coca cola (one) than i should have, the cake appeared. the candle was lit and relit three times during the song — the gusty winds hadn’t quite abated — but i got to blow it out in the end.
someone’s been to sweet belem!
tvdog, i am in awe of your cake-sleuthing abilities! if i had a hat on i would doff it in your direction. 🙂