well! like, a year after i really wanted to get my hair cut, i finally, just this morning, got my hair cut:

as you can see, it was looking a bit like my middle name might be “rapunzel” (“like brethren,” says the boy), and now my middle name could be “one kilo lighter hanging off that neck”.
while i’m doing a post about me, me, me, i thought i’d let you know, saffron, that a month and a bit after you first waved it in front of me, i have finally completed your quiz. phew! cheated death — painful death — once again. sorry it took so long. it's on the girl page.
Oh how i love short hair. And it looks so cute on you! You look very motherly now. Did the baby recognise you at first?
Imma gonna go check your answers. Thank you for remembering 🙂
i have to sit down.
wait, i am sitting down.
i LOOOOOOOOV it. you look like you could be in a movie with kirsten dunst or something. i wish i’d been there when you’d done it, i woulda, well, ok, so i just did. aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!
in conclusion, re: what you are wearing now: chehng ka eh neh sui!!!!!
saffron: yikes! very motherly, let alone just plain motherly, was not quite the look i was hoping for. maevis did look a bit confused at first, but then it was lunchtime and she recognised me all over again.
nellie: hem. i think you will see that it is actually the hairclips that are cute. also, i dressed up just for you!
what did you do with the rest of your hair? you know you could sell it as a wig and make money… 😉 )
I know that sounds creepy but I had short hair for years and I am just starting to enjoy long hair so I think that hair with such a beautiful texture as yours should not be wasted
sophie: in fact, it did cross my mind that maybe there could be money in this venture, and then i was also told that there were organisations to which one could donate hair and it would be spun into wigs for children with cancer… however, once that bunch of hair lay limp on the floor and the hairdresser offered to put it in a bag for me, i ended up declining, and it was swept away into that big bag of hair in the sky.
actually, it didn’t seem like so much after it was cut off; would’ve been much more dramatic if cut at the roots. plus, i’ve actually had short hair (even shaven) several times over the years, so it wasn’t that big a deal. my last haircut was over two years ago, so this one came as a bit of a relief. i’m sure i’ll grow it out again sometime, though admittedly probably not as long.