look nellie, look. those Stroopwafels you gave me are the perfect size for the yoghurt mug, um, that you gave me.
why is the biscuit perched on the cup? i’m glad you asked, for i can now read to you from the package:
“the history of this Wafer dates back to 1700 and the town of gouda in holland. late one afternoon, an industrious baker prepared the first stroopwafel on his stove using a small, round waffle iron and the dough and spices left over from his day of baking pastry. as he finished his work, it occurred to the baker to enhance his waffle with thick, rich caramel syrup, and so the Caramel Wafer was created… the appeal of the Stroopwafel has remained strong with the unique taste sensation of the moist and flavoursome wafers having a truly international look.
“enjoy Caramel Wafers with a hot beverage by placing one on top of a steaming cup of hot coffee [here i used tea] and allowing the caramel filling to melt, or simply eat as is. either way this sweet, creamy, buttery wafer is absolutely delicious!”
and truly it is. at first i was concerned that after taking a bite, the biscuit would be too small to balance so prettily on the rim of my mug, but then i took another bite and another and then it was gone. not a problem after all!
You know I was just thinking that when I saw that pic of the waffle and the mug. What would happen if I took a bite…
Im so glad it wasnt a problem after all
hey. i read you from the package when i was there. i believe when i got to the part about eating simply as is, i did.
i was at dean & deluca yesterday and they had a bag of bite-sized ones. little round things. mmmm. aaaahhh. i thought maybe they were too dangerous to have in my house.
also, your desk seems clean. ish. did you have your hairdresser visit your desk also? hee hee hee.
saffron: yes, sometimes problems can be solved even before they become problems. it’s especially good when the solution involves a cup of tea and a biscuit.
nerrsington: i was hoping you wouldn’t notice, but the first “you” was a singular you, and the second “you” was a plural, for the multitudinous readers of this here page.
my desk appears to be clean because i pushed all the clutter over to the other, far messier side. a side on which a package of bite-sized Stroopwafels would not look out of place. see?
I was rather hoping the story of the waffle on the mug went something like this … a young boy stood with his finger stuck in a wall, since he had seen water leaking through it. Whilst standing for many hours he became concerned that his hot cocoa (it is the Netherlands after all) was going cold so he reached around with his spare hand to find something to place over the mug. Being from the town of Gouda he found a block of cheese and promptly placed it over the mug. This worked wonders as far as insulation was concerned but the combination of cocoa and cheese wasn’t to the boy’s liking, being a young boy of unsophisticated palate. Once free of the wall he tried many substitutes for the cheese – pickled herring, brussell sprouts – but found nothing to his liking until one day a friendly baker, who himself looked like he was made of dough with raisins for eyes suggested the boy stop raiding his mother’s cupboard and spend a few bob down at his shop.
ps. nice do, funky clips
I*heart* stroopwafels!! Specially the organic ones from Shady Maple Farms in Canada.. Perfect with something hot like cider or cocoa!
cc, YAH LAH, i thought the push-to-the-side might have been the pre-photo clean-up strategy of choice. the messy-desk picture begs more questions. like: did you have cocoa krispix for breakfast??? lucky!!!!!
tvdog! hey, remind me again, whose blog is this anyway? 😉 no, really, i am extraordinarily pleased to see you in the comments box again.
no doubt the young boy’s cocoa would have been brought to him by a maiden in a bonnet with a silver tray, just like on the dutch cocoa box. also, your tale has reminded me of a slice of chocolate cheesecake i once had in singapore, that cost me $7, and was the most disappointingly subpar cheesecake i ever did eat. this is probably what the young boy’s cocoa-cheese experiment tasted like, and i’m not surprised it failed to win him over to the winning combination.
timothy latz: yes, from the pictures on your website, those shady maple ones look especially tasty, and i may never have the pleasure. i read with interest that the average yearly consumption of Stroopwafels is 20 to every dutchman. these biscuits are very scarce in sydney; in fact before i discovered a couple of delis that stock them here, the last time i had them was in melbourne, in 2003, way too long ago. since uncovering this sydney supply line a few months ago, i have now exceeded the average yearly consumption of the average dutchman. 🙂
nellicent: in fact, i was going to mention the cocoa crispix in my previous reply, but i thought i’d spare you the heartache, since you have no cocoa crispix. however now that you have noticed the enticing brown residue at the bottom of the bowl, and poked and prodded the truth out of me, YES! cocoa crispix were had, and that was for second breakfast.
this morning, i had a crumpet.
I want in. Who is your supplier?
a couple of the harris farm markets had ’em, by the checkout. i’ve also bought some from the deli at royal randwick shopping center. good luck!
HELLO. your supplier is ME.
except if we are talking about cocoa krispix, then i am the one in need of a supplier.
is this where someone jumps out of the broom closet shouting: “supplies!!” ?
ah ha ha ha ha ha.
hmmm… recalcitrant krispix-with-a-k speller. shall i mail you a box? we should have made you a baggie of trailmix that consisted solely of cocoa crispix. 😀
eh! solly! i just never noticed crispix is spelled like cripsy. maybe i figured that would’ve been too easy. i think it was that thing where my eyes see something and then it just doesn’t translate that way into my head. yah lah, my head! somehow it just made sense that it was spelled with a “k,” maybe because it is so good and kripsy that only the “k” could embody the full kripsiness of the whole tasty kripsy snack. had the product been called “kokoa krispix,” however, that would just have been stupid.
oh, but also, YAH!! trail mix full of cocoa crispix. crail crix full of cocoa crispix. stop me, smee. stop me.
EH, i think there is NO NEED to send me a box of cocoa crispix, i think one of these days i am going to get a box of count chocula. different, i know, but still good.