who wants to breakfast on supermarket bread on a fine saturday morning? not i.
with munchie maevis, who’d been up for two and a half hours since five-thirty, obliging us with a morning nap, i patted my bedhead down with a sprinkle of tapwater, checked for eye crusties, and set out jauntily and carefree for the bourke street bakery.
it is a pleasurable thing to run through in your head the kinds of bread you might come away with, while walking to the bakery. it makes the trip pass quickly, and keeps the mind free of such concerns as the fifteen or twenty muggings reported on our street over the last few weeks, some in the daylight hours, one involving my little mother three weeks ago, and one that happened to the boy just this past thursday night as he ventured out to bring us back thai food. yes. vile muggers. however, it is only eight a.m. — any self-respecting mugger would probably still be lying in a ditch somewhere, wasted from shooting up his nightly profits.
today is the earliest i’ve been to the bakery; one window is full of fresh sourdoughs, and the pattern of sweet tarts and muffins in the other is as yet unbroken. also, there is a whole flourless chocolate cake sitting on a cake stand, biding its time.
this is a common story, no? go in for a loaf of bread, come out with a loaf of bread — multigrain sourdough — and a passionfruit and grape muffin, a plum and meringue tart, a wedge of that chocolate cake and a bottle of raspberry and apple juice. i am $20 poorer, but wealthy with baked goods. it is not such an affliction. i think this girl would understand.
oh, that passionfruit muffin looks amazing. we haven’t gotten fresh passionfruit in a long while–all the hotels buy them up. how was it?
I love your site’s name. I even did a little Microsoft Paint doodle of it.
the muffin & the choc cake look yum! I havent really seen grape & passionfruit muffin before. How does it taste like? You’re lucky you live within walking distant to the bourke st bakery!
Thanks for the link! I UNDERSTAND ALL TOO WELL! My latest entry is a bit depressing…actually, I could’ve made it more so but I wasn’t in the mood. Today I ate ANOTHER LOAF OF BREAD but not the entire thing. I go bored with it by the end, how sad!
Oh, can your website publish an RSS feed? If so then I could subscribe to it. 😀
This sounds like a lovely morning Bowb. Are you wondering where winter is though? I have my oats ready for eating…
that’s an awful lot of bread… sometimes i’m in the mood for bread entirely by itself, and the craving is always solved with one type. i guess i’m a monobread man.
p.s. in the states, i’ve never heard anyone use breakfast as a verb. to me, it sounds wacky.
santos: i’m glad you asked! because i meant to blog that while walking home from the bakery, every step i took released a gust of passionfruity air from the paper box i held in front of me, and made me feel quite delirious. i actually bought the muffin for the boy, because he is a much greater fan of passionfruit than i am. he said it was the moistest muffin he ever had (in a good way). indeed it looked as though the inside had been steamed, and was quite un-crumby. the top was crunchy and good, the inside fully infused with buttery, eggy, passionfruity goodness.
that is so weird that the hotels buy up all the passionfruit. that’s like hotels fencing up expanses of beach for their paying guests. 🙁
adalmin: thank you! i am honoured… but that is a very mean looking yoghurt. ragingyoghurt gets quite angry at all the stupidity around, but is trying her best to be a nicer person.
pinkcocoa: you know, anywhere is walkable if you really set your mind to it. 😉 but yes, bsb is a healthy 15 minute walk away… and of course any tasty baked treat and a belgian hot chocolate will totally cancel out that half an hour of exercise.
the chocolate cake was extremely moist and surprisingly light for a flourless chocolate cake, as though it had been baked sitting in a bain marie. it wasn’t overly sweet, and had a good dark chocolate taste. see above for description of muffin.
robyn: no rss feeds i’m afraid. we’re an olde fashioned blogging operation over here. 🙂 meanwhile, perhaps you could get smaller loaves of bread? this way you can eat the whole thing before it gets boring, and you will not feel as guilty for the amount of bread consumed.
but bread! BREAD! it is no reason for guilt. maybe bunny rabbits, or baby cows, but certainly not tasty, yeasty, crunchy bread.
saffron: i’m sure winter is right round the corner. looking out my window right now it’s all one big grey cloud.
a few winters ago i went through a real porridge stage, but right now i’m very happy with just right. just don’t mention the cocoa crispix!
hikaru: hem. to me it seemed like a normal amount of bread — one loaf — surrounded by a self-indulgent amount of CAKE! a day that starts with CAKE is a good day. having said that, i ended up with just toast for breakfast; the chocolate cake was dessert that night, and the plum tart dessert the night after… and the bread minus those first two slices was mouldy by the next morning, which annoyed me greatly! i know it was a $5 preservative-free artisan loaf, but sourdough’s supposed to be a mould inhibitor, dammit.
p.s. what about lunch? do people in the states lunch as a verb? 🙂
I came back to say that I think the tart looks lovely… kinda hidden behind the showy chocolate cake and the dazzling passionfruit muffin. It looks like it is sitting there, quietly, minding its own business.
Also, yes, to breakfast, to lunch, to dine. It doesn’t matter if it is a verb or not, breakfast is importantpart of the day, for more reasons than health i believe.
And another observation – the bakery sure love their icing sugar huh?
no, no, no. we don’t lunch. we do lunch. or have lunch. or go to lunch.
and to pre-emptively strike… i’ts time for dinner. let’s have dinner, or go out to dinner.
yeah, it’s not just passionfruit. actually, i think hotels ship them in directly now, they bypass the fruit importers. such an odd thought, having fruit withheld from us. like the mighty mangosteen….
In regards to the mould on the bsb bread, i was very surprised to hear that and so was the baker. i usually keep my bsb bread for a few days. I know that sometimes the flour sprinkled on the outside of the loaf can look like mould the next day. do you think this may have been the case?
hello mrs baker. yes, we spent a good couple of minutes examining the white stuff on the bread, and there were definitely two kinds: clumpy day old flour, as well as something more sinister, clusters of like, tiny heads on like, tiny stalks. this appeared on the cut surface as well — quite un-flour-like.
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[…] time to time to see if they finally have a website up, with pictures of chocolate tarts), found an earlier posting i made about said bakery, and being the ladyfriend of the bourke street baker, wrote to say she was […]