and so the feta adventures continue. one of my favourite things to do with feta or goat cheese … (or maybe any sort of spreadable or crumbly, salty white cheese, or maybe any cheese — except blue or that maggoty sicilian stuff) is have it with bread and jam. oh that combination of sweet and salty, fruity and creamy, mmm… today’s program was brought to you by a slice of light rye and sweet-tart cherry jam.
in other food adventure news… well, there must have been some food eaten, after all it has been like, 5000 years since the last update. what stands out the most though, has been the daily lunchtime treats of vegetable puree. i have run the gamut from carrot to sweet potato to pumpkin and back to carrot. yes. the child is being “introduced to solids”, and now she probably thinks that all food is orange.
in between steaming and blending and getting it all into a very small mouth, it’s been inevitable that very small spoonfuls have made their way into my mouth too. it really is just so tasty! and it’s a bonus that i don’t have to chew.
today’s lunch of cauliflower puree (tinged orange because it got mixed in with some leftover carrot puree) was well-received by all parties, and ended with teething rusks all ’round.
well. i thought it was important i familiarise myself with these exotic new tastes and textures. (sadly this extended to a sip of the prune juice that the early childhood nurse recommended to deconstipate the child.)
i dont mean to just agree with all your food posts… but jam and cheese of any kind is a basic breakfast for me. it is just so good.
i also like the idea of cherry on rye.
i used to do honey and cheese, and sugar and cheese, where the sugar was sprinkled on a slice of plastic-wrapped plastic cheese and then put under the grill to caramelise. um. in my defense, this was when i was a child and my mum bought the cheese. which is to say, i may well revisit the burnt sugar cheese toast, but with a nicer cheese. i actually still do honey and cheese from time to time, but again, only with feta.
what’s the maggoty sicilian stuff?
yes, what IS that maggoty sicilian stuff?
also, i forgot about the plastic cheese. damn. need to revisit. if only i could just buy ONE silce of plastic cheese and not be forced into a whole packet. also, if only i could just buy ONE slice of wonder bread. not that we had wonder bread as children. in which case, if only i could just buy ONE slice of gardenia, singapore’s first? only? “american bakery.”
also, when we pitstopped at laureen’s during ROAD TRIP USA, she had a whole tupperware, a big one, of feta for the taking. we like laureen’s A LOT.
not only will i stop writing now, i will stop writing IN CAPS.
in conclusion, I LIKE YOU.
sorry, i forgot about the caps.
the ceremony is in 29 minutes. i can’t figure out if my hair under the cap should go behind my ears or in front of. sorry. i PROMISE i am stopping now.
That looks awesome! I will definitely try this!
BTW, I found you through da*xiang.
mmm salty sweet goodness =D
All stories about “the child” are welcome in lieu of food tales – I’ve been following her photo progress and she’s such a cute little pie! 🙂
I myself would advise the hair-in-front-of-the-ears graduation look. I did the reverse and look peculiarly big-eared in all my grad photos.
re: maggoty sicilian stuff
i know i wrote some time ago that my favourite tv chef is geoff jansz. this is still true. however, my possibly even more favourite tv chef is antonio carluccio. in one episode of his series, “antonio carluccio’s southern italian feast”, he hobnobs with a trio of taciturn shepherds in sicily. they lead him to a cave where they unveil a local delicacy — a pungent cheese crawling with maggots. they eat the maggots. (carluccio does not eat the maggots.)
wow. two hannahs on one page!
tea-hannah: yes, i think you will not regret it, especially because it goes very well with a cup of tea. i had mine with strong, straight up, no milk or sugar australian bush tea.
huppie-hannah: thank you, i shall convey your compliments to “the child”. if her hair were long enough i could comb it in front of her ears. although they are not large, they stick out quite a bit from her head. it amuses us to think she might take flight.
suze: hello. it was recommended to me, by saffron, that vegemite and jam is another splendid salty sweet combination. perhaps you could try it too.
Oh plastic cheese. My after school afternoons (!?!) were nothing without melted (plastic) cheese on toast. Sometimes my sister would try to melt the cheese on rice. Oh boy oh boy. The girl became a very talented chef however 😀
And yes … the V+J Revolution begins. Onward!
hey I have heard how good it was to eat jam and cheese together. My friend told me it’s what they had for brekkie in Middle East – flat bread with jam and cheese (I think it was MiddleEast that she was talking about) . Oh apparently they also have egg together too! *yum* I love anything that is salty sweet 😀