you know that row of thai grocery shops near central? there’s one whose name is something like “lucky sweets and video”. i was lucky to find myself there on friday afternoon.
in the refrigerated shelf by the door there are boxes upon boxes of grilled pork on rice, or curried chicken on rice, or mixed vegetables and egg on rice, or fried fish on rice, or… anything and everything on rice. it’s like a magical wall made of plastic takeaway container bricks filled with exciting tasty treats. the thing is, if you make your way past this wanton (not wonton) display and get to the counter at the opposite end of the store, there is another magical wall, and this one is maybe even more magical because the takeaway containers are filled with desserts!
it is always so hard to choose: the coconut milk jellies? the steamed semolina cake? the black sticky rice topped with custard? the white sticky rice topped with a tantalising sprinkle of crushed up dried prawns and sugar? in fact, if you cannot decide between those last two, there is a box containing both, as well as a third yellow sticky rice covered in another dried prawn-sugar mixture. this one is orange, and spicy.

and so, the triple whammy sticky rice extravaganza was mine. mine on friday, saturday, sunday, and finally, today, monday, when the last slightly chewy grains were reluctantly and joyfully devoured.
i also had to try this: a wedge of pumpkin stuffed with eggy custard. i guess it was constructed by cleaning out the seeds of the pumpkin, filling it with custard and then steaming steaming steaming until the whole thing was soft. the custard, the pumpkin flesh, the pumpkin skin — all scoopable yum.
I was just walking past that shop on saturday and wanted to take a peek inside and take some pics..but wasn’t brave enough!
i love that pumpkin custard thingie, and any sticky rice product–i’m jealous you can get bricks of it at a moment’s notice.
i tried to leave a comment re: no mo momo but the comment box is all nutty. just wanted to say i’ll miss momo too.
mmm sticky rice! this looks like the real deal and very tasty. I went back to get my tapioca pudding, but they had run out of raspberry. I have been assured that an order of raspberry is on its way however.
Re: Why is it that some boys think blogging is silly. Mine feels the same way, however he generally thinks I spend too much time on the net. I need only to bring up his excessive playing computer games to shut him up. And yes, momo will be missed by me too.
bex: oh you must go in! do’it. do’it.
santos: ah, so the pumpkin thing is a common occurance. i had never seen it before, and now i will certainly have it again.
and yes, i did see you in momo’s last hurrah comments box. fancy meeting you there etc etc. 🙂
saffron: yah, i think all treats in that shop are the real deal… the dried durian chips, the fried baby clams, the cheesy thai pop videos… perhaps you’ll have to make a detour there the next time you’re around central. i’m sure there’ll be some sort of tapioca pudding for ya.