there are days where you just don’t want to have ice cream or chocolate or cake (or leftover pizza) for breakfast. sometimes only a simple and pleasing cluster of circles will do. a toasted crumpet. a cup of milky tea. a new dish.
some of you may remember the post from earlier in the year, about my fourteen jams. i am slowly making my way through them, and have so far resisted the temptation to buy any more… um, except for that one time, in an italian grocery, with the peach jams in silver tins… gracing this crumpet is some very tasty st dalfour pear jam. it almost makes up for that trick the jam makers do where they put a layer of fruity bits right at the top to impress you when you first open the bottle, and then two bits of toast later it’s just normal jammy jam down below.
hello… i like the new dish… fits breakfast items perfectly.
I love St. Dalfour jams – have ever since i was a wee lass. Infact my mother used to half complain half gloat about me not liking IXL jams and always asking for the tall bottles with the french labels when I was little. I was allowed to get the “fancy” jam for special occassions like Easter and Christmas. But now, I buy my own jam, and currently have the st dalfour black cherry in the fridge. 🙂
ah! i thought you would be interested in the dish. it is actually part of a larger dinner set, which i bought at 40% off two weeks ago from myer (after steering myself away from the momo 😀 ) the dinner plates are magnificent! especially considering that each piece cost less than $2.
Hi Meiying!
I once went on a circle diet. The idea was that I could only eat circular things, like crumpets, M&M’s, pancakes, slices of banana…it was heaps of fun! It was almost as much fun as my Anti-Zone Diet, which I am sort of on every day now. That’s when instead of avoiding carbohydrates (like in the Zone Diet), you ONLY eat carbohydrates. So that means lots of muffins, cake, bread, potatoes. It’s hot. 🙂
I’m loving your blog- keep it up, girl! 🙂
Carla x
nice work on the discounted homeware! the momo range has also been reduced now, incase you are still keen on the red…or blue … or green bowls. 🙂
hey carla gypsygirl. i love the idea of the anti-zone diet. several years ago, my good mother bought me a copy of “the zone”, and i’ve opened it… oh! never. i’m having crumpets and jam and honey for breakfast tomorrow! 🙂
saffron: oh how you tempt me! but i shall be strong and resist those colourful, bowlish charms… maybe.