my desk is littered, happily, with little dishes and tea cups. three dishes and two cups now unburdened of their treats — surely they haven’t been there that many days — and the currently active set bearing tea, and a lamington and a truffle.
the lamington is not just notable for the fact that it was marked down for quick sale at woolworths yesterday; the boy came at me, brandishing the package. six for a dollar, and three whole days before they expired. they are frosted in raspberry butter cream, which seems like a bit of a luxury, no? for a dollar?
the truffle is notable for the fact that it is perhaps the best damn truffle i have ever eaten. it tastes of dark and bitter, and chocolate and cream, and it melts away on your tongue, leaving behind a rabid desire for more! more! you can avail yourself of one such truffle (or an entire bag) at la renaissance patisserie down at the rocks.
the tea is tetleys, and is best forgotten.
these little plates of sugary snacks fuel me. i am drawing again, only small drawings for small sums of money in the small amount of time i have, but it feels good to do, and i shall try to do more.
Not only are you back, but you’re updating regularly. Hurrah!! (PS: I get broken links for the images, though…)
Just to update you on the consumption of the Haigh’s marzipan fingers: I have just one left and I’m trying to save it for a good time. Of course, every day there is a good time to eat such good chocolate.
hem. you have great optimism for these regular updates. i suspect it might just be the sugar talking, but let’s wait and see. as for the pictures… eh, who knows what it could be. some platform thingy maybe, that i can’t try and figure out now, because too many hours spent at the computer yesterday has resulted in my eyes going into spasm the moment i looked at the screen today.
i run into that very same problem of saving good chocolate for a good time, and then one day reaching for the package to find the best-by date been and gone (bad news, but i’ve eaten chocolate up to six months past the use-by date), or devoured by monstrous pantry moths (very bad news, possibly edible beneath the web of moth eggs, larvae and other buggy stuff… but i didn’t get close enough to try).
woohoo, you live! welcome back!
…vogue?? heh, i didn’t see you as a vogue type. surprises surprises.
i always prefered vogue over elle or *shudder* cosmo. however, i’ve always been a fan of W, ever since they first came out, and their extra-large format — ideal for cutouts — even though they focus heavily on the NYC hip crowd scene.
i broke down and subscribed to bon apetite, gourmet, and sunset. love sunset. now if i can build up the regimen of actually reading the zines i subscribe to…
Nothing beats cake like discounted raspberry cake!
Oh, and yes my grubby paws have been leafing through the food issue of the New Yorker, and thank you for the link to the artists work. He so very knows cakes!
hallo! so lamingtons don’t have to be chocolate covered to still be called lamingtons? oh the possibilities!
hikaru: yeah, the “vogue” thing crept up on me too. i just say i read it for the steingarten articles, but i actually really like looking at beautiful, expensive clothes that i will never get to wear. but what about “martha stewart living”. my deep, dark, subscription-wishlist secret? is that surprising too? 😉
now that i think of it, i would also get those graphic design trade mags like “step” and “print” and “communication arts”. and “esquire” and “details” and… you see? this is why i cannot get even one subscription.
“sunset” — is that a west coast magazine? and did you once say something about “saveur”? my sister left me a copy while she was here; the front section is very entertaining.
santos: i would like to see you make a maccha lamington please, with a red bean cream filling. on your site in say, a month? 😉
it’s a deal 😀
oooh can i try too? pleeeeeeeaaaaaase?
hurrah! a bakeoff!
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[…] ballad of the green tea lamington a little while back, a cheap and nasty supermarket raspberry lamington prompted the following discourse in my comments […]