when i made the banana frosting on saturday, i read the recipe then cleverly deduced, “feh, 1/4 cup butter and 1/2 cup mashed banana — that will surely yield me enough frosting for like, seven cupcakes. hence, i shall double the recipe.”
and so it came to be that on monday, i still had a sizeable tub of leftover banana frosting in my fridge. clearly, i had to make another cake.
that is all.
oh, and also that my mother, who only ever has two mouthfuls of cake at the most, ate the entire slice that graced her plate, and then picked off the crumbs one by one with her fork. i don’t expect this will ever happen again. i just wanted to record this moment for posterity.
heh. my mother she thinks that cake is bad for you, and sometimes gets upset when i make so many. then a few hours later the cake is nearly gone, and no one has been home except her cake hating self.
cake closet eaters… when ever will they realise.
Hurrah. Success is sweet (and so are cakes… mmm… cakes…)