here is second breakfast: a perfect boiled egg, salted and peppered, then smooshed onto buttered sourdough toast.
here is a rotten egg: i was sent an unsolicited email yesterday from a publicist at a publishing house, heralding the release of an upcoming “fictionalized memoir”, a “novel as a food diary” about “a young woman who equates food with love and with disastrous consequences”. the publicist — let’s call her ms. matsumoto — also offered me the chance to announce this book to my readers, or to interview the author. she also pasted into the “to” field of the email, the email addresses of about 80 other food bloggers.
i sent her a reply, thanking her for spamming me and 80 other people and EXPOSING OUR EMAIL ADDRESS TO ALL AND SUNDRY, and i was surprised to receive an apology from her this morning.
“i’m so very sorry! i assumed that food bloggers shared a sense of community and had asked an intern to work from a list called food porn.”
thing is, i consider this only a sort-of food blog. i don’t think i am as committed to the eating or, more precisely, the documenting or cooking as are others out there. so it’s nice to feel validated by being pulled from a food porn list as a target for spam.
and of course i feel terrible at letting the team down, what with my grandious lack of a sense of community and all.
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what was first breakfast?