i bought a tray of brussels sprouts some time ago, and they’d since been sitting at the bottom of the veggie drawer in the fridge. i’d say about three weeks, as they were purchased while i was at the fish markets with my mother. of course.
i remember, when they were still fresh, or at least, freshly procured, that i said to the boy, “and i’m going to roast these! with bacon!” to which he wrinkled up his nose and said, “i like them boiled.”
“but,” i said, “roasted, with bits of bacon!”
and so nothing ensued.
last night i announced, “i’m going to make brussels sprouts pasta. with bacon.”
“you could use the leeks.”
the bacon was also from when my mother was here. and what’s this? half a tub of rocket, from when my mother was here? sure. and this pesto? three weeks old and counting? ah what the hell.
it started with butter and olive oil, and then gradually, bacon fat; it could not go wrong. in my bowl it was slurpy and salty and bitter ’round the edges.

meanwhile, in the mailroom today, look what stellou sent me! the new chris ware book and a large bar of pink cherry nougat only slightly soft and squidgy from the perils of international post. it was just sunday that i stood in front of a bookcase at kinokuniya, gazing wistfully at said volume and then stroking it most gollum-like. and the nougat? well, it’s pink! and there are cherries! and it’s from carluccio. thank you, nellie! happy birthday to me!
Oh yes, brussel sprouts and bacon are a perfect pairing.
They are also rather delectable stir-fried and smothered in oyster sauce.
you know, i would have ended up throwing the sprouts out… but this has inspired me to tackle a head of brocolli sitting in the fridge for a fortnight
AG: ah yes! i can imagine it. i shall try it next time, and maybe i’ll be lucky enough to have some char siu handy to throw into the wok too.
saffron: ah but! two-week old broccoli has a tendency to go yellow, or maybe that’s just my fridge. the brussels sprouts, i was surprised that they were still an enticing green.
it is the season for sprouts? because ME TOO i have been working my way through a netbag of brussels sprouts.
(inquiring minds want to know, do they just call them “sprouts” in belgium?)
i had no bacon in the house, but i had some parma ham, which worked tastily too. same lah, same.
Delicious. I do like a good sprouting. Also good with honey and bacon. Or cut in half plain stirfried with garlic.