my stats tell me that 80% of the traffic to this page comes from saffron and santos, so, well, you probably already know this story. but anyway.
the ballad of the green tea lamington
a little while back, a cheap and nasty supermarket raspberry lamington prompted the following discourse in my comments box:
santos. 13.09.05 – 12:58 pm: hallo! so lamingtons don’t have to be chocolate covered to still be called lamingtons? oh the possibilities!
bowb 14.09.05 – 6:38 pm: santos: i would like to see you make a maccha lamington please, with a red bean cream filling. on your site in say, a month?
santos. 15.09.05 – 12:48 pm: it’s a deal đ
saffron 15.09.05 – 10:04 pm: oooh can i try too? pleeeeeeeaaaaaase?
bowb 16.09.05 – 9:06 am: hurrah! a bakeoff!
and so in the ensuing weeks, two cakeheads got busy. me? i figured my work here was done. hey, thinking up ideas for cake is hard yakka.
sadly, because the technology to send food molecules through the ether and have them regroup on the other side hasn’t yet been invented (hurry up, boffins! or, oh wait, you’ve invented it and are keeping it a secret!! which is even worse!!!), i’ve only been able to look at pictures of the wonder that is santos’ lamingtons.
happily, because saffron is only a busride away on a saturday afternoon, i was the lucky and extremely pleased recipient of a cluster of green tea lamington cupcakes.
all the components are present: light and moist maccha-tinged sponge, a glorious purple heart of yam jam, whipped cream and shaved coconut dusted with maccha. an inventive and delicious interpretation!
and now, alas, there are no more of these little beauties. the last one, i just ate her, and scraped the paper clean.

meanwheel, most of the the remainder of visits to this page are from people googling “raging yoghurt”. who are you, mysterious people?