call it reality blogging; this is what i’m eating as i type. a bowl of cherries, strawberries and raspberries, all sweet and flavoursome. it’s making me quite delirious with joy (or is it just the fruit sugars?)… except. there’s a sound of something being dropped in the sink upstairs, and some swearing, and then soft footsteps later, here is the boy at my side holding my most favourite drinking glass which i bought in new york several years ago, in three pieces.
call it irony; the emblem, now in two pieces, says, “drink cheer up”. meh.

oh god that looks so good. the berries and cream. perhaps it is because ive had a boozy afternoon which involved many flutes of champagne.
no it really is good. with or without bubbles.
oh that whippy of cream is so enticing. love the cuppa cheer–perhaps a purchase from the faboo fish’s eddy?
santos: ah, you are all too familiar with purveyors of vintage (or pseudo-vintage, as the case may be) glassware. in fact not five minutes after the breakage (heartbreakage), i was at fishseddie.com trawling their catalogue only to find it unlisted! ten minutes after breakage an email was on its way to the FE customer service department. response: limited stock available in the stores. perhaps i’ll have to make an emergency trip to NYC.