here i sit with a baker’s dozen of sweet fat cherries. it is allowed, because these days i am a baker, don’t you know. ok, so it was just another loaf of banana bread, but it is a damn fine loaf of banana bread. i’m sure this is because it’s such a forgiving recipe; even with slightly less butter and quite a bit less sugar, and more bananas, it comes out good. this time ’round i threw in a cup of the sweet fat cherries, quartered, in place of blueberries, and i want to sit down and eat slice after slice, toasted and buttered.
week number three sans boy is coming to a close, and things are going much better than i anticipated. really quite good, actually. as he fixes up his country estate — digging up floors, pouring new concrete, liberating asbestos, hosing himself down at the end of the day with cold water in the backyard — me and the kid have sorted out a routine (starting at 5.30 most mornings) involving hanging out laundry; meals on the balcony; an occasional luncheon (with chips!) at the portuguese chicken shop up the street; walks in the park; perhaps a swim on an extra sweltery afternoon; cartoons and picture books; bathtime; storytime; and “hmm… isn’t it almost bedtime?”.
i have just enough work on for maeve’s morning and afternoon naps, and no resentment towards the boy sitting down and watching tv instead of attending to child… because i have to do it all myself. since the boy isn’t here to help me out by cooking dinner and using every single pot, pan and utensil in the kitchen, i have about half the number of dishes to do at the end of the night. the end of the night is a lot earlier because i eat dinner with maeve at 6.30 instead of 8 or 9 after she goes to sleep. there is no loud primetime tv, and no snoring in the wee hours sending me out to the couch. could i get used to this? eeeeeyes.
last night i shut down the computer and made up a sundae of raspberries, icecream and yoghurt, and a muji green tea biscuit. i ate it in bed, reading a “new yorker”, which maeve had dropped in the bath a month ago, and which i dried by blotting and smoothing each page with kitchen paper, before sunning it on the hot tiles in the backyard. bliss.
women… we are amazing creatures.
and your sundae looks quite enticing.
your sundae is an amazing creature.
you, we already knew.
aww. you are sweet and kind ladies… women. if only we could all get together for sundaes! and you, nelliebellie, a month of sundaes.
Oh what a perfect day, wish I could have spent it with you.
Sundae looks good. In fact, that sounds grand, let us have a Sundae party.
if you happen to be in broadway i recommend the blueberries at HFM. even though they are on special – they are juicy and sweet and only $3.50 a punnet (if you buy 2)
now i should have also stated – that mothers they are truly amazing creatures. which is what i meant to convey in my previous comment. but yes… women… 😀
did someone say a sundae party? what a fabulous idea!
saffron, i have been meaning to catch a bus into broadway. the blueberries i bought the other day are the invigoratingly tart kind… but the kid seems to like them. i’m sure we would have no problem getting through two punnets of the sweet kind. maybe i could even pull off another loaf of banana bread.
Totally with you on all points sista! When my boy is away there is no whining and grumbling about who should get up at 2am and 4am and 5am with the baby. But better still, the baby doesn’t wake up at 2am and 4am and 5am because there is no SNORING or THRASHING or GRINDING or CRICKET ON THE RADIO ALL NIGHT or other such noisy boy carry on.