who likes ice cream? bunnies do! no wait, i mean, i do! sometimes (rarely) i make my own, in the machine we were given a couple of xmases ago. this year there has been the coconut-lime-turkish delight extravaganza (coconut milk + cream + sugar + lime rind + lime juice + toasted coconut + bits of turkish delight = over the top confection with a curious hint of savoury flavour) and the lemon-buttermilk-blueberry affair (buttermilk + milk + brown sugar syrup + lemon juice + lemon rind + blueberries). i made that one on a very hot afternoon, so it didn’t freeze quite enough, but it had a lovely light texture, like uncle louie g‘s italian ices. oh cherry chip explosion, how i miss you!
so far i’ve avoided those recipes with the rich egg custard bases — a combination of fear of lots of egg yolks and fear of undercooking the egg yolks and contracting salmonella, and ice cream’s not about fear, dammit — but so far i haven’t noticed anything amiss. maybe for the next one i’ll try that handy hint i read about, where the homecooked custard base is replaced with a carton of supermarket custard. maybe i’ll just go out and buy a tub of sara lee.
what i did buy recently was a new drawing pen, made by the mitsubishi pencil company. i love it! how it glides across the paper, leaving a smooth, shiny black trail. i drew the bunny over the last couple of days, and it’s in the running — run rabbit run! — to be put on a threadless tshirt. if you could be so kind as to click on the thingy below and vote for it, i would be most appreciative (because, i’m sorry, you will need to sign up). oh no! it’s been taken out of the running due to a poor showing in the first 24 hours. harsh. ah well, click on the thingy below if you’d like to see the whole bunny.

i bought an ice cream machine last time k-mart had 15% off … not a fancy smancy one … i just wish i was home long enough over the weekend to make a nice batch of it and eat it strahgt away.
i shall bid for the bunny… just as long as no bunnies were harmed in the making of the ice cream 🙂
oi, oi! i LOVE that bunny graphic. can i ask my friend ken (www.mushycat.com) to make a badge out of it for me? i love it.
im so excited because at the moment, im collecting coca cola bottle caps out of the recycling bin at work to earn a cuisinart icecream maker. i have some quince paste for the first flavour i want to create. come on, summer. (well, on this continent, anyways)
saffron: is it the sunbeam snowy machine? (mine is) no bunnies harmed in the *making* of ice cream… but they may have exploded on gorging themselves on ice cream later. HAHA! exploding bunny is always funny!
violet: do you mean, just one, just for you? then sure! tell your friends where you got it. 🙂 i read ken’s mission statement though, about how he doesn’t make trendy vapid custom badges. heh.
i am also excited about your quince ice cream, and pleased that you dno’t have to drink all that coke yourself. i have a jar of apricot and amaretto puree that i want to turn into ice cream.
grrr! i voted, i’m annoyed by its supposedly poor showing. bunny cute, bunny tongue cuter!
HI —
I’m sorry I didn’t see cute and icky bunny in time to vote. How can bunny put tongue back inside? Is it bunny magic, along the lines of Monkey Magic? What else could the bunny do…?
And yes, love that lunch idea. Next week? We could cook up that exploded bunny