you think this is crazy? how ’bout if i told you i paid just over $5 for three bananas this morning?
because on sunday afternoon, as we stood just clear of chinatown pedestrian traffic, enjoying a post-yumcha gelato (of course), i grumbled a little about the price of bananas.
the friend up from hobart mentioned that her organic grocer was still selling them for $4.95/kilo, quite a bit below the $12/kilo all around town, even if you did expect that the standard of living in tasmania would be more affordable than in glamorous sydney. the kid and i were sharing a cup of banana and mango gelato, because since the banana supply dried up, maeve has been banana-less. well, maybe just one banana every couple of weeks, as a treat. one $1.48 banana.
but then i got to thinkin’, that that $1.48 was actually less than the $2.48 or so that i’d just handed over for the scoop of banana gelato. what crazy economic theories had i been prey to, depriving the kid of one of her eight favourite fruits? and really, have i not paid like, $4 for a fancy, but tiny, chocolate bar?
so this morning, after the library, we marched into the fruitshop, and plonked the three bananas down on the counter, and there you have it. she was already waving her arms and keening “na-naaaa. NA-NAAAA.” as we walked back in the front door.
but what of this psychedelic purple bread? on the way home on sunday, we stopped for takeaway meats in the belly of world square, and i decided that i would finally buy something at breadtop.
my relationship with breadtop has been somewhat uneasy. of course, i’d been wanting and wanting to go since i saw someone walking about town carrying a filmy bag embellished with the voluptuous chinese calligraphy that said “bun shop”. but were they affiliated with, or “paying tribute to”, the singaporean breadtalk?
[ does a cursory google; no one out there seems to know either ]
aside from the similar, somewhat meaningless asian-english names, the two brands also share the same grey-orange-white aesthetic. they both have a wide variety of meat floss-covered bun products, and green tea-red bean cakes. and as i write this now, and try to specify what my misgivings are, i have nothing beyond: well, they may be a rip-off of breadtalk. and i mean, just look at this:

sigh, beautiful. on previous wistful visits, i always thought i would get some sort of green tea bun — the green tea or taro swiss roll really requires some sort of special occasion — but then on sunday i saw the shiny little loaf on the end of the exotic bread shelf, the last of its kind: purple sticky rice loaf!
you open the bag and inhale: it smells of sweet, yeasty chinese bread. you take a bite: it is soft and sweet and has a creamy, nutty flavour from ground up sticky rice (no whole chewy rice grains in it like passionflower’s sticky rice ice cream). in fact, it would make a terrific ice cream sandwich.
omigod! i have ice cream in the freezer!
i’ve done exactly the same thing with bananas. they’re one of jude’s favourites and i just found myself saying ‘what am i thinking here?’ when i baulked at the $9.95/kg price tag while spending three times as much so i could have the local, not imported, prawns for *my* dinner. so i paid $7 for 5 bananas. but i still get a bit cranky on the inside when he leaves a little bit or mutinously throws it overboard off the highchair. harumph. xk
dude i know what you mean about the crazy prices of bananas! esp when ive just developed a slight obsession with deep fried bananas and icecream! and dude sticky rice loaf? oooh sooo preeettty!
I was told by a co-worker that some organic bananas are actually cheaper than conventional ones as that their suppliers are much further up north where the hurricane did not hit.
It might be worth a look, but I cannot vouch for the truth of this as I haven’t checked it out myself.
I think they have them at Macro.
I have heard that same rumour. I’ve not had a banana for a very long time.
Btw, I really like your new cafepress bag.
I love breadtop! My bf, housemate and I can eat breadtop (buns etc) for breakfast, lunch and dinner! But yes, I think you are right about the singapore breadtalk thing though? I saw them when I went to Singapore at the end of 2004 and found them when I came back to Melbourne. Might be a conspiracy going on. I wonder who’s ripping off who?
The next time you go, try the Almond Twist thingy. It’s a tad sweet but not bad from an asian bakery. 🙂
…ulp…i just paid $6.50 for 2 bananas. i must be out of my mind.
krissie: but they must have been MONSTER bananas. the same fate befell me last week. up ’til then i had been buying small bananas, which didn’t really prepare me for the hefty cavandish, which rang up to, yes, about $3 each. i can’t even spread the banana out to two meals now; maeve just eats it all at one go, then bellows for more! more! MORE!
jenjen: thanks for the tip.
sue: thanks! i rather like it too! you should get some for all your closest friends, and fund maeve’s banana appeal. 😀