you know how it is: step out to buy a butter dish, and suddenly you have a butter dish, and two little glass tubs for storage, and a pretty pink mixing bowl, and some ocean trout for dinner.
i recently found a recipe for lemon curd sponge pudding in a magazine, and it became clear to me that i would have to acquire a pudding bowl. (you see how it is? if you have already read the previous entry, you will shake you head sadly and agree: it’s an affliction!)
but it was half price!
monday lunchtime, the bowl was sitting clean and fresh on the drying rack as my bucatini came to a boil, and before i realised what was happening, i had grabbed it and filled it with a tangle of spicy coriander pesto noodles with peas and broccoli.
ah lovely and versatile pink mixing/pudding/pasta bowl.
maeve was ambling down the street the other day in a pair of pink trousers and her black and white stripy t-shirt. she looked like a giant licorice allsort. we went to starbucks, and the girl behind the counter said, “is that your, um, sister?”
“UM… no, my, um, daughter.”
“it’s just,” she said, “you look so young… and my sister and i, we have eight years between us, so…”
“ah,” i said, “there are 32 years between us.”
and then she offered maeve a chocolate muffin sample and a baby-cino. note: starbucks balmain does baby-cini for free. me, i had noticed the scrawl on the blackboard that said, “hot white chocolate”, and instantly i had to have some, with raspberry syrup.
i had some, and it was way too sweet, and thick, and white. i mean, of course, but i was surprised. like that time in sainsburys, nellie, when we gazed up in awe at the shelf of brown-bagged gourmet chocolate chip cookies, and picked the one labelled “white chocolate and raspberry” because you said they were amazing, and we took the bag home and broke it open and ate a cookie and thought, hmmm. because it was a regular chocolate chip cookie, and standing flummoxed in the kitchen we could even see through the cellophane window in the bag that they were clearly brown chocolate chips, and how had we not made the connection, standing at the end of that aisle in sainsburys, that the “white chocolate” label did not compute with the brown chocolate within? we did not compute.
was that the balmain starbucks that you said you went to…? I wonder if we were served by the same person, who thought I was fifteen and couldn’t believe I owned a credit card. Well I was actually 23 then, and old enough to have my own credit card.
The curse of looking too young
when someone honestly thinks you’re that young, you smile and say thank you, and leave a nice tip. 😉
mmm, or at least i would. if i remember, in my old age… lol.
i ummm… just hopped off a certain online e-shop and am a few bucks poorer… but i will have a “bake and take” tray! a few groupie purchases of 3 cup plunger to replace the broken one and a mixing bowl in “buttercup” which also comes with a spout for easy pouring also joined the tray. the thing i REALLY wanted was the bake and take tray, because i always need a container to take baked treats to parties… always easier when you are still baking and getting ready to leave the house with said baked treats cooling down.
oh lord yes, baked treats cooling down and you barrelling down the path with them. a couple of weekends ago i was bringing your (your, deb’s, not your, cc’s) (sorry) cupcakes to a picnic, straight out of the oven, and i found myself throwing them higgledy-piggledy into a small muji paper shopping bag while simultaneously grabbing bottles of wine out of the fridge and putting glad wrap over the icing. i laid them out to cool on the picnic blanket when i got to the park – and then the ants came. if only we were cupcake-eating anteaters!!!
jenjen: yeah, starbucks balmain. it was an indonesian chinese girl behind the counter that day. hey, i’ve been carded when i was 25 and tryin to walk through the casino, not even to gamble, just for a shortcut: the curse of looking so short!
hikaru: hey, we’re not old! are we??
deb: hmm. i wonder which online shop you were at, because in my search i came across this one, and thought of you, and not just because of the egg carton trays on special.
nellie: what the hell are you talking about? cupcake eating anteaters? then you would be cupcakeeaters… and that would still leave the ants. oh. unless you mean the ants were already embedded in the frosting, and you wanted to not bother with picking them out? what? what?? go back to bed.
are you mocking my italicised last line?
… apologies… it seems i became distracted with the football match this morning… what i was going to finish saying is that… the cultured salted butter from te growers market is so very good on a baked potato with a little mustard and a hot off the pan schnitzel 🙂
😀 those are very detailed instructions, missy. well, i shall give it another go.