last night after my computer died, i hopped over to the one across the room and blogged about it. after a little while, i heard a clicky-clunky noise from deep within the silent beast. and twice more. and then when i casually pressed the startup button on my way to bed, it did.
it’s working fine today, but every now and again, the clicky-clunky noise. unsettling. i know i shouldn’t think too hard about getting a new computer, because old faithful here will pick up the vibe and then cark it for sure. this is what happened to my previous machine. it was working fine, and then i bought the G4 and while it was still sitting in its box waiting to be set up, the powermac 7200 looked across the room, rolled its eyes and breathed its last.
maeve of course already has her own laptop. there was an ad in a magazine the other week, from which i cut out an almost life-sized keyboard. i glued it onto the corner bit of a nappy carton, and viola: she spends a good few minutes on her typing each day. these are precious minutes!

i’ve been a bit slow on the crafting pickup, but amber has a terrific thing going on at kid’s craft weekly. go look.

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i see a future blogger in the making