in between our morning tea bagel and our lunch bagel, deborah and i popped into wheel and barrow, where everything was beautiful — especially those clear ice-cream glasses in the shape of ice-cream cones — and where we didn’t buy anything.
at one point i positioned myself directly behind a narrow shelf so i could surreptitiously photograph a beautiful test-tube filled with beautiful pink dragees. it didn’t work though, because a sales assistant pushed through with a large box of something that she had to stack onto that very shelf i was standing in front of, right at that moment. after she’d returned to the counter, we heard whispers wafting over to us: “…taking photos!”
three seconds later another sales assistant appeared at my side. “what are those pictures for?” she asked, not rudely, but not offhand curiously either.
i paused. and then i shut off my camera. and then i said, “actually, these are for my own amusement, because i found a cockroach in your dragees!”
i handed the tube over, and she might have recoiled. “well. i think i will dispose of these,” she said, reaching for them finally, “and normally, we don’t allow photographs.”

why did i stop listening to spiderbait? this is just great.
ha ha ha! loved the pic!
did you ever listen to happyland – which was spiderbait/regurgitator kind of side project? it was pretty random.
is your fave spiderbait track dinnertime by any chance??
ah! i have the happyland album too. let me go put it on. i haven’t listened to it in years, but i seem to remember that it was a bit too la-la-la (though perhaps not for an album called “welcome to happyland”). i got these albums free, because i was working at a music magazine at the time. ahhh… the 90s… 🙂
“dinnertime” is cute, but i really like “buy me a pony”.
hooray the photo worked. TAKE THAT w&b lady!
i wish i was brave enough to have said ” … well, we don’t roaches with our cake decorating items” 😛
lol so at first when u went to fotograph the dragees it was for the colour and not the cockroach? and my favourite spiderbait song i think was sunshine on my window
nah, i picked up the dragees because of the colour, and then when i saw the cockroach inside it became crucial that i photograph it. death by dragee!