waffle interlude…

i found the waffle place — waffle on — right by the subway entrance on degraves street. it was a little nook and cranny, cosy red and warm. i ordered a waffle, plain, and a hot chocolate. “chocolat chaud?” confirmed the proprietor, while indicating that i pull up a stool to the high counter in the corner.

not too long after, he whisked this suger-dusted beauty down before me. there were wispy strands hanging off it, that i took — with a lurch — to be hair, but it turned out to be threads of caramelised sugar. i broke off a corner and nibbled at it, and was immediately won over: satisfying crunch gave way to chewy inside. this wasn’t some common variety of flluffy waffle that you could just shove into your mouth and swallow. i tackled it slowly, all its burnt sugary bits, stopping every now and then to answer a question — “c’est bon?”, or to learn a bit more about the man and his waffles:
lived in sydney — left sydney — doesn’t miss it — ran a cafe in darlighurst — le petit creme — ran with the victoire crowd — doesn’t think much of fluffy americain waffles — imports his beet sugar from belgium
and then monsieur waff, he brought me my hot chocolate. ah, merci!

Ahhh yum, was just going to say that the pic looks like a classic Liege waffle with lumps of sugar in the dough, giving the yummy caramelised bits. Then I read that the chef trained in Belgium… I think I have to get one this weekend. Yumyum.
yum! i want to go to melbourne for the waffles! unfortunately i can’t convince the boy, not even with the pixar exhibition 🙁
cour marly! hey, you fell off the internet! hope you’re having a great time in belgium. is it like a giant buffet of chocolate, waffles, moules, frites… ? lucky! 🙂
well deb, you’ll just have to go alone! BWAHAHA!! this way you get to have two peoples’ fun. do’it. do’it!
i wish! i think two solo holidays would be pushing it for me … i am however tempted to go to tasmania after i get back from europe.
melbourne is on the way to tassie. 😉
AH, you have a point.
meanwhile, have you used your lindt voucher yet?
no! does it expire this month?? argh!
oui, on the 31st!
Hehe… yes, it is a giant feast of chocolate, waffles, moules et frites. Mmmmm. They haven’t quite gotten the dessert/cake culture down right. Which, for the sake of my thighs, is probably JUST AS WELL.
But next week is a trip to Paris, and I am DEFINITELY stuffing my face with cake et al. Ooh-la-la.
hurrah for the waffle man and his wonderful waffles! I have found that a waffle is lovely on a rainy morning, particularly when it is slathered (and the waffle man’s assistants have been known to help here) in nutella. he yaps away in french, and all i can do is smile a happy nutella-ed smile.
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[…] waffles you might have already read about; the pixar show — well, by the time i waddled my waffle-laden ass over to the hideous yet […]