so, wednesday.
two wednesdays ago, i woke up, made myself a cup of hotel tea, and considered the slab of chocolate kugelhopf i’d procured the day before at the monarch cakeshop on acland. my room wasn’t swish enough that it came with a microwave, however there was a column heater in the corner that came in damn handy for a breakfast of warm cake.

i was feeling a little antsy, because boy and kid were due in melbourne at some point in the day, and because boys like to be spontaneous, i had no idea what point that would be. so i checked out of the hotel and went to buy several truffles at koko black. i walked over to the queen victoria market, but it’s closed wednesdays. i caught a random tram and found myself at the casino. i thought maybe i’d look into the window of the prada shop for old times’ sake (god forbid i should actually set foot in a prada shop!), but the whole complex was clad in plywood scaffolding. they were still letting people in though, and it was right after i bought a cone of sweet corn pumpkin ice cream from the japanese stall in the food court, that the call came through: they were half an hour away!

and that pretty much sums up wednesday, because by the time i got the keys to our fancy serviced apartment on the edge of the city, and met kid and boy, and distributed welcome gifts of fruit bun and poppyseed danish, it was storytime, and then naptime. for me even. two days of walking around doing plenty of not much sure takes its toll.
afterwards there was a twilight stroll through gentrified laneways, and cheap chinatown noodles. and then i felt a duty to steer the proceedings in the direction of the trampoline store across the road — truly, they are everywhere — because the previous day, i had seen on the wall of the fitzroy shop, a poster with a caterpillar on it (the segments of its body were scoops of gelato) which said that people shorter than 90cm could get a free kid’s cone. (so, and, dwarves?)
and so she did. pink.

am loving the daily updates! thank you! maeve is so cute! X
Hotel tea and chocolate kugelhopf – what a glorious way to start the day (and what a joyous child – great shot).
gelato munchkin!
today i had tea and cheesy spinach for breakfast. and a macaron; rose. oh my.
sweet corn pumpkin? awesome! was it uber sweet?