i had second breakfast at cupcakes on pitt this morning; their $5 deal of cupcake and coffee also includes tea, so i sat down to a large cup of milky english breakfast and a vanilla sundae cupcake: crumbly cake topped with two flavours of icing, a sticky maraschino cherry and a slightly soft wafer roll (from sitting in a puddle of moist icing, i expect).
melbourne was great. all objectives were met, some even twice! and now i’m back in sydney, looking down the barrel of deadline after deadline, and this sunless dungeon of a room is damn cold.
i wrote a blog entry a couple of nights ago, because Things were Said (see the capitals? in this lowercase blog?), and Things Happened. and then the next day everything seemed to reverse itself, with the sun coming out, and a picnic of chips and sauce at the zoo.
i wish… i mean, i don’t even know what to wish anymore.
well, actually, i wish i could tell you about melbourne, but i’ve got so many other things to do.
speaking of which, is anyone on facebook, that i should know about?