my desk is a mess again, and i haven’t even arrived at the busy time. i am circling the periphery, looking in, pacing myself. just pacing.
at my elbow i have sheets of paper, covered in scribbled lists: lists of amendments to layouts; lists of drawings to make; lists of invoices to send; lists of where to go in queensland.
i have passes to a film on the weekend: “an epic tale of mothers and sons, mothers and daughters, unrequited love, betrayal and secrets… the true story of a glamorous shanghai nightclub singer, who struggles to survive in seventies australia with two young children“. phew!
i have tea: muji jasmin tea ball in a muji glass teapot, good gifts from my good mother.
i have chocolate: a monsieur truffe bar with cocoa solids of 64%. there is some guff on the back of the package about fresh fruity notes and bouquets of dried fruits, but i am simply impressed by how a dark chocolate bar — french, no less (by way of melbourne) — can be so goshdarned creamy.
i have an urgent calling to watch that hideous show, “age of love“.
One Comment
there has been a crazy amount of promotion for that movie… the guy who’s life that movie is based on was on the kerri-anne show too! it looks really good…. i imagine sweet and sour dishes will appear in at least one scene!.