“californication” eh? somehow i made it past the advertising blitz, the suntanned duchovny busstop posters, the pneumatic breasts of the first episode, the last-minute “mum, i want you to read me a story”… to watch episode two with a chocolate treat and a pot of mint tea by my side.
is hank moody the new carrie bradshaw? is this just sex in the other city? i much prefer new york, but i do like david duchovny. on tv. remember when he was on “the larry sanders show”? or when he did that episode of “dr katz“? a pan could not be deader. i’m pleased he’s not doing stoopid alien movies anymore.
at zumbo yesterday morning, i admitted my unease at the delicious way the cakes just melted away on my tongue. “you know why that is, don’t you?” asked counterboy.
“because they’re the fattest things on the planet?”

behold the chocadz. the salted butter caramel ganache melts away to nothing; so quickly, it is just a memory of a ribbon of salty-sweet. sitting on its crunchy hazelnut meringue biscuit base, it is draped in a thin coat of milk chocolate, and a dense sprinkle of rough-hewn hazelnuts. the first time i had this, i was on a plane, too early in the morning, up in the air somewhere between sydney and melbourne. i liked it then, hence the reprise, however it was much funner eating it in bed.
The pilot episode of Californication didn’t really do anything for me. A bit meh except for all the boobies. Maybe it gets better .. (more boobies?). Mind you, that’s what I thought the first time I watched Entourage and now I’m hooked. The first two seasons in particular were great.
hmm. actually i would prefer less boobies. i don’t mind the sex, it’s just the inflated breasts i find scary. i thought the writing was good.
Also, call me shallow, but I can’t get past how much Natascha McElhone looks like Merryl Streep.
oh. i don’t think that’s shallow at all. i mean, she does look like meryl streep after all. she’s not really the main attraction for me anyway, nor are any of the other girls on the show. he is such a slut. it makes me feel all icky. and yet, i wish it were monday night more often. 😉