i really put my eyes through the wringer over the weekend: one feels quite swollen, and the other is decidedly twitchy. there’s nothing like a looming deadline (which i’d cleverly been choosing to ignore, until it was too late to pretend it wasn’t looming) to keep me at the computer for all hours of the day, beyond blog and facebook.
[ nellicent! join! ]
i’ve been drawing on my real desktop, and shuffling little coloured boxes around my virtual one, and i have within easy reach too many chocolate bars and not quite enough bowls of berries. cups of tea are always on standby.
i’ve been drawing happy pots and perturbed sheep, know-it-all kitchen sponge people — the best enforced fun i’ve had in a long time. i’m helping to put together a real, live book for the real fun website, kids craft weekly, and at the moment we are pretending that it will all be done and sent out into the world in the next month.
i’ve just realised we must look exactly like this amiable saucepan, smiling blankly in the face of adversity.
anyway. buy a book? gaarn. you never know when you might want to turn your collection of wooden spoons into a family of puppets. or a paper bag into an owl.

[ photographs © kids craft weekly ]