what better way to start the day than with a big bowl of warm crumble in a puddle of cream? every now and again, i dig out my trusty crumble recipe (actually luke mangan’s crumble recipe, from the sydney morning herald a while ago); with rhubarb at $2.99 a bunch, and strawberries at $2.50 a punnet, now was one of those times.
luke mangan’s rhubarb and passionfruit crumble
6 stalks rhubarb, chopped
1/3 cup passionfruit pulp
250g strawberries, hulled and halved
1/4 cup caster sugarfor topping:
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 1/3 cups rolled oats
1/2 cup plain flour
90g butter, softened
1 tsp ground cinnamonpreheat oven to 160C. combine rhubarb, passionfruit, strawberries and sugar in a bowl and divide between 6 x 1 cup capacity ramekins.
to make the topping, combine brown sugar, oats, flour, butter and cinnamon. spoon topping on the top of the fruit and bake for 30 minutes or until the top is golden and fruit is soft. serves 4.
i’ve never actually made it with passionfruit, but have added pears regularly — as i did on this occasion — or cherries, and sometimes apples. also, i bake it in one large baking dish rather than little ramekins, which requires quite a bit more baking time: you’d have to keep checking to see when the rhubarb and strawberry juices were bubbling. if you’re lucky, they bubble right up to the surface and the crumble goes all pink and sticky. mmm…
that pic reminds me of the simply breakfast girl.. im so sad she stopped posting.
this simply breakfast? i have not been for some weeks — just did — but her last post is dated 27 nov. i think she has a book out, even. i love her photos; everything is so clear and well-lit… and delicious-looking.
do you see lunch studio?
omg! she’s back! or it could also be that i’m an idiot and bookmarked an archive page.. so have been clicking back on the same wholemeal stack of pancakes hopefully..
yay! thanks MY!
good luck with the movie today if you end up going – I’m working the arvo if you want to come by!