and after that circus (refer: previous post), there was the easter show. yay. the last (and first) time i attended this grand display of warm and fuzzy rural-urban relations was about ten years ago. now that the kid is three, and cognisant, and a year away from having to pay to get in, i thought it was the perfect time for a revisit.

i was most interested in the prize-winning cake displays of course, and maybe a cheese on a stick. and a cream tea at the country women’s association tearoom. the kid mentioned something about milking a cow.

we showed up early, the kid and i, because the bunny judging was on at 9.30. however, bunny judging turns out to be a somewhat unriveting cluster of studious types in lab coats standing ’round a rabbit, cupping it in their hands and holding it up to measuring tapes. huh.

so we wandered for a bit, stopping for a $5 ride on the mini ferris wheel (it went around so many times to make up $5 worth that the kid started heckling the lone carnie about when it would stop.) we played at being radio announcers at the abc caravan. and then when singapore girl finally showed up, we descended upon the woolworths fresh food dome, and that’s when things started to happen.

the kid wanted ice cream, but for the first time ever she did not want pink ice cream. “i want green tea,” she announced most decisively. as you wish. me, i stumbled upon the irrewarra homestead natural ice cream stand, selling organic ice cream made in southern victoria, without the use of chemicals, pesticides, artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. and truly, the banana ice cream was like eating creamy frozen bananas, and the blueberry was flecked with bits of fruit. it was delicious, but the taciturn dairy farmer type manning the booth said it was not available in sydney, and only in health food shops around melbourne.

we marveled at the regional produce displays with their giant animatronic frilled-neck lizards, and we marveled at the amazing decorated cakes in the arts pavilion next door. (at this point the kid tipped over her half-tub of sloppy green tea gelato, and the fun lurched off course for several sad minutes.) but distractions abound in the arts pavilion: just look at this clever champion cake in the shape of a selection of champion preserves. ha!

surprisingly, champion preserves were not a feature of the tea and scones at the CWA tearooms. what you do get with your two (out of a total 22,000 made throughout the show) fresh, still-warm scones are a little tub of whipped cream and two little packs of supermarket jam, strawberry and apricot. and a pot of hot water for your teabag. it was a moment of olde worlde calm before we headed back out into the blazing sunshine, straight into the clutches of the hot corn vendor.
and that is how the day progressed. in between the buttered corn and the yoghurt sample at the dairy farmers milking show, we fed the baby goats (and persistent, pushy sheep) in the nursery farm. in between watching an educational presentation of a pair of butchers cutting up half a carcass of beef and milking a real, live cow in the milking barn, we had a lamb pie and a sausage roll. just for milking the cow, we got some squeezy packets of purple berry yoghurt that you suck out through a nozzle, so we had that too, and by the end of the afternoon, when i finally tracked it down, there was just no space left in my stomach for the cheese on a stick.
because the kid doesn’t yet know about showbags, i bought her another ride at the kiddie carnival before coaxing her aboard the train back to the city. she continues to speak of the music video she will make next year in the abc caravan. a grand time will be had by all.
oh, that marble cake looks magnificent.
did you ever try the tiger cake at nordic bakery?
sadness i missed out on the deadline for entering my biscotti by 1 whole day! and not to worry i ate an extra cheese on a stick for you
i ilke the winning sultana cake. what, pray tell, are showbags?
Haven’t been to the Easter Show in at least ten years myself. Would go back just for the food displays. I remember reading about how obsessive some of those people get with the amount and size of the fruit in their fruit cakes and using razors to precision-cut citrus skins for their marmalades. Love it!
deborah: yah! i thought this third prize cake actually looked better than the higher-ranking ones. but i guess they’d all been there behind glass for two weeks, getting drier and staler.
i did not have tiger cake, but by accident, i ended up with one of those cinnamon rolls. it was quite hard and dry, a bit like what those easter show cakes taste like two weeks down the track, i imagine.
(the egg sandwich, of course, was heaven!)
suze: thanks! i still feel a little pang about it though. 😉 who knows when i’ll next get that oppurtunity. sorry about your missed deadline… will you be entering some biscuits next year? how exciting!
santos: yes, it looks like a good, honest cake! 🙂
showbags are any number of mini chocolate bars or packets of chips, and some cheap plastic toys, stuffed into a lurid plastic bag, and sold for more money than you’d think necessary. much of it is character-themed, like barbie showbag or dora showbag or coca cola showbag… i think if you follow that link in the post, you can learn quite a bit about them.
i have to admit, i bought the “better homes and gardens” showbag, because on the second last day of the show, it had been reduced to buy-one-get-one-free, and came with three issues of the magazine and a bevy of samples like snack packs of tuna, microwave chocolate pudding, washing detergent just for jeans, and a whole loaf of bread. in a fetching stripy tote bag. my friend gave me her loaf of bread, so i got the lot for $7.50.
Y: hey, maybe part of your new career can be baking cakes to enter into the show! you and chocolate suze can have a bakeoff! 🙂
Yeah! I’ll be the red tomato and she can be the green capsicum 🙂