it’s true what they say: icing sugar makes anything look better.
the kid was quite adamant that we should make cookies on a rainy afternoon last week, but i managed to lure her down the madeleine route by telling her they were little cakes like cat paws. i have a new madeleine tray, and wanted to see if i could avoid the alien pods of doom — you may remember — from last year. i feel heartened enough from this batch to give those darned maccha madeleines another go.
but not just yet. this morning, we are padding quietly on our paws, out of town aboard the slow train to albury. back in a week, i think.
These madelines look lovely. What flavour, pray tell? I still remember (with a chuckle) that picture of those unintentionally adult-themed madelines of yours. 😀
who doesn’t love a madeleine? do they have a flavor (other than lemon)? and why do they always make me think of rainy days?
hello, ladies. these madeleines were “regular” flavour, out of stephanie alexander’s big book. nothing fancy, not even lemon. just a spoon of vanilla paste. but they were pretty good for the scant effort involved.