a couple of months ago, i volunteered to put together the newsletter of the kid’s playschool’s parents’ committee. i didn’t really think it through at the time, just figured it would be a catalyst to get some non-work-related design done. however, what it actually meant was that we had to make a special trip into school the other evening to attend a meeting. and i had to take minutes! because i also had to write the darn thing!!
it also meant a couple of trays of flaccid sandwiches — plastic cheese and vegemite, and plastic cheese and ham — and tepid water drunk out of the children’s regulation red plastic tumblers, but let’s forget that ever happened.
after it was all over, we caught the bus back to balmain with our fingers crossed, and got off the bus right opposite the new sushi place that’s just opened on darling street. it threw a welcoming golden light out into the night, and we stepped through the door to find the last two empty stools at the counter.
it’s a small room, seats about twenty. one waitress in front, two or three chefs out back. and a sushi train! sugoi! which, incidentally, is the name of the restaurant.
you probably already know this, but i l o v e sushi train: all those possibilities going ’round and ’round on colourful little plates. sure, there is that stressful element — similar to when you go for dimsum — where you can’t really relax and enjoy the eats because you are always keeping watch for something (better) that might come along, but sometimes you find a place where everything looks good, and none of it has the dehydrated edges of something that’s been riding the conveyer belt carousel for two hours…
and sugoi could be one of those places. we fished a plate of sashimi off the train; the temperature and texture of the fish was perfect. there was a pretty roll of tempura vegetables wrapped up in a delicate pea-green crepe, and topped with a dab of salad cream and a sprig of loveliness. there was spider roll! which i really do quite like. and at the end, there was no red bean mochi topped in whipped cream and strawberries and syrup like they do at tomodachi, but there was a fruit salad of melons, grapes, tinned pineapple and a slice of strawberry, in a glass goblet, on a red plate.
the newsletter has so far been well-received by the committee.

perhaps future committee meetings can be held at sushi train! that would be a great meeting to go to no?
You had to write it! HA HA HA!
it’s wrong but i love plastic cheese
newsletter looks great!
deb: ha! it would be a great meeting, but very distracted, and we would all have to meet again later (with limp sandwiches) to double-check the minutes. 😉 *we* should schedule a sushi train meeting soon though.
frau schadenfreude: and how was barcelona? hngh.
sonya: thanks! plastic cheese definitely has a time and place, and i think for me that time is the early 80s and the place is my mum’s kitchen. she used to buy the really exotic flavours too, like pineapple (for melting over mini pizzas) and onion (for kicks). 😀
Oh I can relate to the preschool newsletter experience. You just wait til some upstart announces at the AGM that she thinks she can be more reliable than you and USURPS your position. Oh hang on, that probably won’t happen to you. But it happened to ME!
Turns out that the only thing worse than having to do the preschool newsletter is no longer being required to donate your services to the preschool newsletter.
wow. thas cold, the biatch. was her newsletter at least full of misplaced apostrophes?
oooo a new sushi train in balmain?! must try!
yeah, it was pretty good! sorry, i have no idea what the address is (and they seem to not have a website organised), but they are across the road from zesti’s pizza, a couple of blocks from the library. off you go!
before I went to there..
fresh and exellent
phone number 9555-6959