weekend teacup blogging
i think this is starting to become an affliction. i was at the rozelle markets yesterday, and when i said, “i think i’m going to buy that pink teacup”, the kid responded immediately, “but you already have the green teacup”. that’s how bad it is.
but it was $15, less than half the price of the ones i saw in the dusty window of a dusty antique shop in glebe. this (and, ok, a couple of orphaned saucers) were from a woman who said she had moved on to other things, and was purging her personal collection. she had wild hair and a crazy rainbow wooly jumper. bloody hell. i could become that woman.
so no more teacups.
the biscuits, on the other hand… these beauties were from christopher’s cake shop at taylor square. delicate shortbread sandwiched with sugary icing and dipped in coloured chocolate. the pink one is strawberry flavoured, and the yellow one a most engaging lemon.
these i will be back for, oh yes.
yes, yes they were good. they travelled well to bathurst where they joined a cluster of other cakes for afternoon tea. they were the perfect crumbly shortbread. i likey!
Hi! I met you today, one of the people in Ben’s office who apparently recognised you and Maeve, but, if you can believe it, in my fuzzyheaded tiredness, did not realise it was actually you till about an hour after you had both left! If I had, I would’ve been excited and probably would have tried to thank you for introducing me to adriano zumbo or yabbering on about something else but nevermind. It was still cool to meet you, sort of, and very cool to meet little Maeve! 🙂
hey suyin. no, no, you were definitely right on the mark when you started chatting up maeve. completely my fault for not confirming (or denying) it. but i’m totally one of those people who are better on the internet than in real life… and even then, it’s a bit hit or miss, really. 😉
we should say hi properly the next time we meet!
Nothing wrong with more tea cups in your life! Mind you, I’m trying to stop the tea cup buying habit myself. It’s now a case of too many cups and not enough time for tea!
I have too many teacups, I buy one everywhere I go. And, I don’t even drink tea !
Those biscuits look absolutely delightful.
One Trackback
[…] bourke street, surry hills. we popped into christopher’s cake shop, where the kid picked lemon and strawberry shortbreads, and i picked a half dozen aniseed rusks and this majestic tub of caramel fresh […]