the best part is that it was a spur-of-the-moment decision. i had just come from the medicare office with a $65 refund still warm and glowing in my wallet. it was lunchtime, and after i exhausted the list in my head of cheap and acceptable city eateries where i might find sustenance, it struck me that i could (should!) take myself to the lindt cafe while the kid was off bonding with her grandmother somewhere in the hills district, being plied with crayons and sketchbooks and fairy wings, and forcefed pink cupcakes.
it was all in the name of comprehensive research of course, but after the travesty of the guylian cafe “chocolate” milkshake, i thought i should give the one at lindt a go.
it was extremely busy, but the friendly waitress was happy to answer such questions as, “between the iced chocolate and the chocolate milkshake, which is milkier?” and, “and which is chocolatier?”. no, her bright smile never once faltered, as she replied that the milkshake is milkier, and that they were both chocolatey and decadent, and the main difference between the two was that the iced chocolate contained ice.
and it was just as a chocolate milkshake should be. a $7 chocolate milkshake even! rich, dark chocolatey flavour. just thick enough that your cheeks let you know you were making an effort sucking. served in a tall, weighty glass. topped with a mound of dark and white chocolate shavings.
bliss! and nicely tempered by a perfectly toasted (and corrugated) schiacciata filled with delicate slices of roast lamb, grilled eggplant, baby spinach and ricotta.