it’s beginning to look a lot like xmas! there’s a dark cherry mocha frappucino awaiting me a starbucks, but now that starbuckss are few and far-between, i made do yesterday with the festive cookies ‘n’ christmas beverage at gloria jeans.
[ it pained me to order it — i had to stop speaking halfway through and check the signboard to see that it really was called “cookies. and. christmas”. ]
but it didn’t hurt to drink it. it was mildly chocolatey, and not overly minty, and if that doesn’t seem too exciting (it wasn’t), well! the self-serve sprinkles at the condiment bar will surely do you in.
here are some other exciting things i’ve found lately:

sweet william not nuts chocolate bar
i remember being told about dairy-free sweet william chocolate a few years ago by this vegan girl i knew. because i’m not vegan, or lactose intolerant, i did not think to venture down that route.
but! a new variety i stumbled upon at banana joes last week compelled me to put one in my basket. “not nuts!” it proclaims on the wrapper, for those allergic to peanuts as well as dairy. or for those, like me, who do not care for peanuts in their chocolate. instead, it is packed full of whole roasted soy beans. hurrah! the crunchy, beany little nuggets are a treat indeed, and surprisingly, so is the chocolate: smooth and creamy (though a little too sweet), and devoid of any of that weird soy flavour you get in regular non-asian soy milk products.
how do they do it? amazing!

coca cola lip balm
i really do like coca cola, but i really have to be in the mood to drink it. i have to crave it, actually, and i give in to that craving two, maybe three times a year. oh, to feel that caustic fizz work its way down my throat is a wonderful thing.
voila — coca cola lip smackers!
the bumper pack i bought had regular coke lip balm, vanilla coke lip balm, and a liquid lip gloss that rolls on via an enormous silver ball bearing. it tastes and smells just like the real thing! and i don’t have to actually drink any of that crap! i am extremely happy about this great development in lip balm – junk food cross promotion. do not think i have not considered applying it over my regular cherry lip balm for a walk down cherry coke lane.
i resisted — so far — the fanta pack, which included a stick each of orange, strawberry and grape. perhaps i could just buy a grape one; grape fanta is so hard to come by these days.
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bet you didn’t know i felt so strongly about coke!
what better time to finally address that meme i got tagged with the other day. ok, fine, two weeks ago. i am very bad with memes. but two people tagged me for this one, so it must be important.
so. the rules of the game:
• link to the person who tagged you
• post the rules on the blog
• write six random things about yourself
• tag six people at the end of your post
• let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
• let the tagger know when your entry is up
that is a lot of rules, so i’m only following half of them. the first half. told you i was bad with memes! also, i think you get quite a lot of random things about me in the day-to-day running of this blog — i really like broccoli, for example, and “america’s next top model” — so i’m really scraping the barrel here.
1. i really like coca cola
2. i eat floor food
sure, it depends on the food, and the floor; i won’t eat food off a wet or grimy floor, even if it’s picked up quickly. but the five-second rule is fairly elastic around here. once, at the national art gallery cafe, a fat artichoke shot out of my sandwich when i took a bite out of the other end. i waited until i had finished the whole sandwich, and then i retrieved the artichoke from under my chair where it had rolled, on carpet, and i ate it, after checking for hairs.
3. i eat expired food
i am right now eating a bag of japanese milk-tea-flavoured corn snacks, best before date: 07.02.23. they have a pleasant, sweet, milky-tea flavour, and are only slightly stale… a bit like those flushable corn-based packing peanuts (it’s true, i nibbled one the other day to see if they were the disintegratable flushable kind).
4. i remove the pegs from the clothes line while bringing in the washing
i caught the tail end of this debate in the herald’s column 8 section earlier in the week. apparently such people are deemed to have some sort of obsessive-compulsive affliction. but really, how can you put out new laundry when the lines are littered with randomly placed pegs? you’d have to hold the damp piece of clothing bunched up in one hand while you claw at the pegs to release them before clipping them back on. you’d be unable to flick out the twisted wet bundles to rid them of their wrinkles. you’d… ahem. wait ’til you find out i’ve also been known to match the colours of the pegs to the colour of the clothes. and hangers, let’s not forget hangers.
5. that guy known as “the boy” moved back in
it’s neither an overly good nor bad thing — maybe it’s both, and maybe they cancel each other out — but i thought it might be useful to note, in the interest of narrative.
6. i am horribly shy and retiring
but i’ve met some great people through this blog. come say hello if you see me in the street… unless, um, you’re a scary stalker type. then yes, just walk on by.
Coca cola lip smackers! I want!
I also eat floor food. Especially if it’s a large shard of walnut biscuit that flew off my Where’s The Cheese and landed on the surely pristine floor at Adriano’s Cafe Chocolat. Thankfully noone else noticed. It meant I didn’t have to share 🙂
😀 good strategy; not as obvious as licking!
i found the lipsmackers at priceline.
#3 is me too, and I’ve never given it a thought – I mean, what, does food magically go bad the VERY NEXT SECOND, and which time zone are we talking about anyway? huhuhuh?
I am #6 too, and probably wouldn’t know if I saw you on the street. But if I was aware, I would definitely want to say hello 🙂 … or maybe not, now that you’ve revealed #2 😉
cour marly: i read somewhere that there is a difference between “best before” and “use by”… the former being more of a serving suggestion, and the latter, perhaps something you might actually want to take heed of… especially if it is dairy. just look out for the bulgy cans, i think, and the lumpy milk! 😀
Y: oh yes, do say hello. i think my new ploy is to be friends with talented bakers! 😉 and #2… look upon it as a public service i’m offering. now *you* won’t have to eat the floor food!
Geez, I never thought of it that way! You certainly are the wiser one!
.. though it also must be said, that I’ve never felt obliged to eat floor food before.. Is there something wrong with me?
no, i think perhaps you are the wiser one with a food industry insight into grubby floors. 😉
Lumpy milk…. they call that cheese where I come from. And it puts hair on your chest! HA!
Ditto to number 2, 3 and 4!
Although I read a scientific journal paper that proves the 3 second rule is a myth. Meh. Depends on the floor, how “sticky” the food item is and how much I want it. So blob of honey = no; dry cracker = hell yeah.