what a long, terribly hot summer it’s been. our fault, i suppose, for spending most of it in sunny melbourne. on the most horrible day, we took shelter in the airconditioning of the arts centre; my plan was to see as much of the AC/DC exhibition as the kid would allow. except that we found ourselves drowning in a deluge of pink tulle. turns out it was fifteen minutes away from the lunchtime matinee of the angelina ballerina show, and hundreds of little girls in ballet dress-ups swarmed the lobby. the kid turned her large limpid eyes my way; the temperature in the street was the wrong side of 40; i handed over my credit card, and spent the next hour or so sitting in a sea of battery-operated glowsticks, watching lithe, human-sized mice dance across the stage.
but the temperature kept climbing, and at 1.40 in the wee hours of the morning, i woke up stifled. i poured myself down the hallway, and had a cold shower, and eventually got back to sleep. later we were to find out it was hovering in the lower-mid-40s all night, and when the temperature finally dropped at about 8am, it was to a refreshing 34°C.

so we went out in search of icy treats, often. the lemon-lime and bitters sorbet at trampoline was truly delightful. a very fetching shade of palest pink which dissolved gracefully into a gentle citrusy tang on my tongue. i liked it so much i went back for more.
there was the emergency slurpee from a hole-in-the-wall 7-eleven one afternoon in the melty city, and a golden gaytime krusher at KFC one sunday when nothing else was open in shimmery rural victoria. it was a most unappetising shade of… bilge, a pale and lumpy yellow in the plastic tumbler, that tasted better than it looked, until it warmed up to room temperature.

and then, holy moley, there was the organic cinnamon donut gelato from fritz gelato at the souf melbourne markets. lush and milky with a streak of sticky red jam all the way through. behold its majestic crest sitting atop an enormous scoop of caramelised fig and roasted almond yoghurt gelato, equally lush and milky, and filled with crunchy little fun bits of seeds and nuts and burnt sugar. good times…
and then we came back to sydney, and the holidays galloped to a close, and the kid grew up and went off to school. no tears were shed from anyone involved.

Nothing worse than waking up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat, realising that the promised cool change has taken a wrong turn at Albuquerque…
And is that a *watermelon* frosty fruit?? I’ve been buying out the supply at Woolies lately.
you’re back you’re back! ah how i’ve missed your posts! am so incredibly jealous at the idea of donut gelato- 2 of my fav desserts rolled into 1? awesome!
belle: yes! you know your icy treats. i will have to have it again… wasn’t too impressed by my first go. (i really liked the pineapple bit, just wasn’t convinced it went with the watermelon) my #1 favourite at the moment is the lemonade paddle pop, a slim white column with an impossibly snowy texture, and only 90c. *love*
suze: hello! thank you for the welcome. 🙂 perhaps you could spend your honeymoon in melbourne following the gelato trail? see you saturday!
Cinnamon donut gelato wha?? Someone needs to make this happen in Sydney too! Maeve looks so cute in her uniform 🙂
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[…] in melbourne this coming weekend. hopefully it doesn’t melt away into a little puddle, my snapshot of a watermelon and pineapple ice pop, amongst such illustrious, gorgeously styled, DSLR macro company. Permalink|Comments RSS Feed – […]