i’m about to disappear down a tunnel of work again. only seven pages into an annual report layout, and my head has gone spongy, and my eyes are a-twitchin’. but do not worry, there is pearl jam in the background, a large cup of almond tea to the right of me, and to my left…

an adorable mini chocolate kugelhopf from lüneburger. it is a rich burst of cocoa for a mid-afternoon slump, moist and just a little bit sticky (awful in late summer weather but just about perfect in a cake). and scattered here and there, chocolate chips. such a tiny treat! and at $2, quite the cheap thrill.
One Comment
I am so not looking forward to going back to work in 4 months.
That cake just looks too good to eat and I love the rabbit on the fork.
ps: welcome back to blogging, even if you’re “disappearing” again 🙂