summer took the stage for a last curtain call.
saturday, we traipsed across the lush green lawn of a historic house in a leafy north shore suburb, and watched chocolate suze get hitched in jolly rollicking fashion under the impossibly bright and burny sun. afterwards, there was coca cola, and orange juice, and fairy floss, and a fat, sprinkled krispy kreme doughnut — and that was just the kid. afterwards, her head didn’t quite spin around, but the sugar gave her enough of a buzz to carry around, for the rest of the afternoon, the enormous lollypop she charmed out of the bride.

it was still summery when we got back to the city, so we sat a while in our box seat above the town hall intersection, watching the finely-tuned ballet of crisscrossing pedestrians in the golden light. and because the box seats are actually three big corner windows in the children’s department at kinokuniya, we also kicked back, made ourselves comfy, and fashioned a small pile of books to pass the hour.

on one of the shelves, i found a book called “all kinds of families!“, with pictures by one of my favourite illustrators, marc boutavant. we sat and read it for a bit, this jaunty rhyme by mary ann hoberman, but when i got to the verse that went:
clams in the sea make a clammily family
lambs in the field make a lambily family
jams in their jars make a jammily family
and yams in the cupboard a yammily family
i knew that i would have to take it home with us. books are family too!

happy days to you and the mister, mrs noods! we are honoured to have been there to see the beginning of your own little family. may your fridge always be overflowing with treats.