i thought i’d escaped the cold that the kid brought home from school the other week, but i was fooled. it was just biding its time, and when it finally struck last thursday, it gave little indication that it would be sticking around for more than a week, and certainly no warning at all that it would turn into a raging sinus infection that would block up my nasal passages for two whole days, and then cause alternating numbness and pain (though mostly pain) in the entire right side of my face, as well as a disconcerting and piercing ache in my right ear. this is day number three of pain beneath cheekbones, dizziness, and funky rainbow snot. not to mention the green goblin gunk that i still keep coughing up from my lungs.
at least i can breathe through my nose again. aside from that, i was especially happy to get my taste back.
because this afternoon i got to fully appreciate the cereal killer from adriano zumbo patissier. it looks like a glass topped in frosties, does it not? but they lacked the caustic sweetness of this most cherished childhood breakfast cereal. instead these comforting layers of vanilla-flecked creme anglaise, condensed milk jelly, “milk bottle chantilly” — variations on a theme of soft — and yes, crunchy cereal, were the perfect mild and milky pudding for this convalescing correspondent.
i have been remiss in eating my way through the latest zumbo collection, but bel has been taking inventory over here. nice job, lady!
Ooh, your cold sounds dreadful – get well soon! You should try the ‘4 times the Vitamin C’ cake from Zumbo (the spiky blackcurrant one). It’s good for you 🙂
thanks! managed to get to the doctor today, and now i have a shiny new box of antibiotics to last me the next ten days. yum!
i’ve actually had that blackcurrant cake, though before it had the spiky makeover. nice jelly. 🙂