more pink cake! we found ourselves in newtown on friday afternoon, quite famished, and stopped into black star on our way to an errand. being close to the end of trade, there wasn’t all that much left in the counter. on the counter, however, was a large jar of macarons. such pale, encrusted beauties. when i learnt they were rose and lilac, i was a little bit hesitant, because apart from rose, i am not a fan of floral flavours in food.
i should not have worried. the biscuit was crisp and then chewy, and then all heady rose perfume wrapped up in smooth ganache.
it was so good in fact, that post-errand, even with the sidewalk stools piled up high and the countergirl wiping down the counter for the day, we sweet-talked our way into buying another one.

on saturday, an impromptu and fun excursion with my cousin took a displeasing turn after lunch when we found no cake in the city.
no. cake.
to be precise: we did not want dried-out-from-sitting-in-the-display-case-all-week cake (city center); we did not quite want fancy french moussey gateaux (the rocks); we did not want spongy airline chinatown cake (chinatown). two of us wouldn’t have minded cupcakes, but one of us has an ideological issue with them. so we went our separate ways and in lieu of cake, the kid got her first pair of lace-up shoes: silver all stars.

and we saved the cupcakes for sunday. this is what you get when you rock up to cupcakes on pitt and tell them you don’t need a box for your cupcakes because you are going to eat them right away: a little cardboard cupcake caddy. adorable, no? my zero-packaging plans were derailed, but if i remember to tuck it into my wallet, i will always be ready for a cupcake on the run.

i expect i will always be ready for this raspberry cupcake: moist raspberry cake, and a fat swirl (and then some!) of raspberry buttercream. infinitely pleasing, and gone in four chomps.
My word. the pink cupcake sure does look delicious with a “PERFECT” cream and cake ratio 😉
The little missy with the little pinky poking out just too cute 😉
heh you raised the kid right lookit raised pinky and all! <3 the cupcake caddy!
Looks really good! I like your blog
you will NOT believe this but i popped into cupcakes on pitt for a cupcake after class on saturday evening. my pal and i ordered our share… mine dark chocolate and a raspberry. i too was impressed with its berryness!
Did you get the feeling that the store itself has changed in style? It’s sort of like a city bakery meets suburban bakery? I dunno… it just doesn’t have the same “slick” as when it first opened many moons ago.
billy and suze: yes, kid is high-class indeed. but thanks for not pointing out the bitten fingernails, the grimy afterschool fingers, and the remnants of a gingerbread man lodged beneath the nails. how can there be so much gingerbread caught in such short nails?? i just don’t know. 😛
agatheloff: thank you. you’re welcome anytime. 😉
deborah: i think i like COP better these days — bigger variety and smaller cupcakes means… you can have more? 😉 was it the first cupcake shop in the city? perhaps it’s just mellowed out. i guess for slick there’s cupcake bakery and sparkle, both of whose cakes i actually like less. it’s the buttercream, i tells ya!
the city is bad so for cake!! Though lately I’ve been having afternoon tea at the cafe on the ground floor of the Hilton – it’s quite good! Only downer is that coffee costs $4.
And on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, Sparkle cupcakery has a wee stand in the DJs food court woo!
I love Maeve’s tumblr!!
Wah, they’re both pretty! I love the lavender-speckled look of the rose-lilac macaron and the cupcake in its carrier looks so fetching!
sonya! the city didn’t use to be this way. there were lots of old skool coffee shops with big fat cake slices. damned progress. what’s the selection like at the hilton? i looked in from the street a while ago, but it looked like dainty little lemon tarts and danishes. i’ve actually been meaning to go to the little coffee shop in DJ food hall, for a slice of lemon meringue pie, or their multi-layered lemon crepe cake. would you meet us there one day? 🙂
midge: our cupcake caddies got lots of interested glances as we walked down the street. i’m such a sucker for packaging!