um, so, i don’t get to vote, because i’m not a citizen, and i’m not a citizen because the last time i tried to become one a couple years ago, the beryl on the phone said that since i didn’t have the very passport stamped when i first landed on these fair shores over twenty years ago, my application would be incomplete. and if i want to become a citizen now, i’d have to take the goddamned citizenship test. it’s not enough i pay taxes? huh?? turns out beryl was talking out her old, shrivelled-up ass anyway. perhaps she’s even drafted some of the questions on the test!
krispy kreme does not fly such an exclusionary flag. happy to take votes from anyone, they are offering free doughnuts for australia the day after election day, if you register to vote on their site. free doughnuts, folks!
[ or, as free as it gets with an “invitation” to make a “donation” for every doughnut… proceeds help out the salvos, but golly, they sure got that hidden-worm-behind-the-election-promise thing worked out ]
oh wow that’s great!!
on the bus home this morning
my most favourite japanese place had put a huge john howard poster in the window which i found most alarming.. is that supposed to entice me in??
zac and i are at odds… we want to vote glaze but not john. apparently muffin break is doing something weird with votes and coffee beans? nothing tasty though.
ah. i wanted to vote sprinkles… but also greens (on principle). i will have nothing to do with muffins, unless they are secret zumbo muffins! 😀
looks like the f&b industry is * hit * with election fever eh. at nudie juice, you can vote for either mango, raspberry or pineapple.
as for krispy kreme, lemoncrats is my vote (;