ah the wonder of easter that is everlasting salvation and chocolate mud donuts.
to the inexplicably loyal handful who show up here every day or so on the odds that there will be an update: this donut will have to last you all week, for i am an hour and a half away from taking my chances with the easter road toll.
hell, mentioning the all-week donut has reminded me of this story that i was told in primary school, so i’ll leave that with you as well.
“a long time ago in china, there was a boy who, being the only child, was spoilt by his mother. she would do everything for him, even bathing him and feeding him right into his teenage years. as he neared adulthood, his mother was one day called away to another village. she was reluctant to leave her son all defenceless by himself, but she had no choice. as he was incapable of feeding himself, she thought the best thing to do was to make a large biscuit, which she tied to a string around his neck; all he had to do was move his head and take a bite when he was hungry. by her calculations the biscuit was big enough to last a week. the bathing could wait until she returned.
a week later she came through her front door to discover her son dead of hunger in his cot. the biscuit had only been eaten only a small way through. the son had been too lazy and stupid to use his hands to turn the biscuit round and had starved when his mouth could no longer reach beyond biting range.”
yep. i don’t know what they intended to learn us, but i’m sure it was meant to be character building. and just look at me now.
i wants me BOWB TV -_-
God, that was a scary story.
alia: mmmyes. it had a big effect on me i think, because i go to the supermarket for groceries about four times a week.
hikaru-san: regularly scheduled adventures will be back on your screen soon! ^_^
You’ve been so much longer than one week! I have fears regarding aforementioned easter road toll…
Me too I go to the grocery store four times a week. Am I mad? How come we are grocery store twinkies?