breakfast time, when you can’t be arsed doing mushrooms on toast (and there are no mushrooms in the house anyway), and when you haven’t the time to go up the street for pancakes, and when you’ve already had chocolate sprinkles on bread-and-butter twice this week already, and when the kitchen is devoid of sweet pastries, it is perfectly acceptable to open up a tin of beans. mmm… beans.
I love beans on toast too! Did you do anything with the beans (I see black dots — pepper?) or just eat them out of the can? I confess I’m an out-of-the-can girl — part laziness, part not wanting the beans to have to cool down from the pan before I eat them.
Beans, beans, the musical fruit. The more you eat … well, you know the rest.
these are the bumper “chunky tomato” edition of the humble heinz bean, which i warmed through in the microwave (on medium power, because the sugar heats up so damn dramatically) and into which i stirred some white pepper. and then after the ceremonious un-bowling onto toast, a quick grinding of black pepper, my eagle-eyed friend. the toast was thick-cut off a loaf of pane di casa, and buttered liberally. the tea was black. i didn’t detect any more flatulence than normal, but pregnancy has generally raised that threshhold anyway.
I went through the same thing morning when deciding what to pack for lunch. I have some crusty wholemeal toast and baked beans. They comfort me when its windy and when I have no money to continue buying lunch till next pay day.
when it’s “windy”? 😀
I didn’t know you could drink tea while you were pregnant. I’ve already sworn off coffee (though not for any baby-related reasons) and was quite petrified at maybe having to give up tea too. So maybe it ain’t so?
it would appear that there is not too much you can’t do or eat or drink while pregnant, if you are sensible about it. that’s my excuse anyway, but i don’t know if *that* is actually sensible. perhaps i shall be punished with a tannin-stained, caffeine-addicted baby. mmm… brown and gnashy…
LOL – I didnt even realise my pun. I crack me up!!!
Fyi, on account of seeing this picture in your blog like every day this week, I went and bought myself some Heinz baked beans today. Whee!
Update: I had baked beans on wholemeal bread for dinner tonight, so my photo-inspired craving is finally appeased. Adding black pepper was a nice touch. Pity the bread was Crudenia, so it didn’t match up to the excellence of the beans.
it was the slinky drape of the beans over the edge of the toast wasn’t it? i am pleased to have awakened the dormant bean-longing inside of you, but eating them for dinner means you bring the farts to bed with you, no? whatever will the mister say??