crap. don’t you hate when your blog server goes down and takes with it a month’s worth of entries? sure, ok, in this case a month’s worth of entries was like, three maybe four, but now, all those memories gone.
my spongehead seems to recall recent developments that might have been catalogued here include: boy moves in, dvd player purchased, spirit crushed by mindless directory layout work. oh! and invaluable webresource discovered here.
i could tell you now that yesterday afternoon as i walked down cleveland street to see “kill bill vol.1” at broadway shoping centre, flies flew around my head, and a stretch of the road smelt of elephant dung, but that might make you wonder if it was actually my head that smelt of elephant dung, and where would that get either of us?
“kill bill vol.1” was surprisingly unannoying, and a fine-looking thing to behold. after, stuck in kmart for an hour, all i came out with were a tube of strawberry exploding candy and a couple of jelly pops. the one pictured above is boo, from monsters inc. her entire face is made from flesh-coloured icing sugar.
and now, i must try and find that bit of code i surfaced recently that gives me links with no underline.