at lunchtime, armed with visiting olds, the kid and i trundled across the M5, the park and another horrible main road to the growers’ market at fox studios, only to find, having thought about hot bacon and sauerkraut all morning, that — oh tragedy! the pierogi man no longer holds a stall there. hmph.
luckily, the disappointment was quickly tempered by an assortment of free samples from the chevre man, a tasting plum from the plum man, some nibblets of nougat from the nougat lady, and a tiny sliver of ice cream sandwich from the ice cream sandwich guy.
there was no free anything at the pie shop, however having bought a duck pie for me and a lamb pie for my father, and then having asked the pie lady which was which, she replied, “the duck pie has a little duck on it.” and indeed it did:

it was very salty, and contained bits of peas, carrot and corn too uniform in size to be anything other than a frozen variety. or maybe they are just perfectionists back at the pie-ranch. indeed, the pastry crust was perfect. whatever. what i really want to tell you about is the ice cream sandwich guy, but i am really quite sleepy and too full of turkish banquet dinner to go any further, and will have to revisit this pressing issue sometime in the morning.
so to end my lunch post, i shall direct you to this dollop of investigative journalism on school lunches around the world (via da*xiang)