i know that you know that i know that muffins are, like, way behind cupcakes in… well, everything. for a start, there is no frosting. and most muffins i’ve had are bite after bite of dry, dense mastication. the little ones like rubbery pucks, the big ones like a workout for your jaw. so not fun.
but. yesterday, i found the best muffin in the world. sonoma make the best soy and linseed loaf in the world — with the whole soybeans? — whoulda thunk they would also sell the best muffin [note to self: double-check if they bake the muffins inhouse. edit 05/11: i have been informed, via the comments box for this post, that all pastries sold at sonoma, including the best muffin in the world, are made by zumbo. well!].
i only bought it because the kid wanted a snack as we passed by, and then sitting in the park across the road watching the monster raven skulk across the grass, i discovered the muffintop crunchy with sugar, and the moist, moist, crumbly inside with its generous — almost wanton, really — display of juicy berries.
“we’re sharing, right?” i asked the kid, but she was already off chasing the giant bird. tops.