tonight the moon is a great white circle, so bright it hurts to look at it.
Category Archives: misc
when i first knocked this blog together, i wasn’t really sure what i’d be writing about. as you can see, the first entry is all like, wah maybe i’m too old to be going “woo!” at a rock show, and wah maybe war is a bad idea. unsurprisingly i have slid into this groove where maybe i’ll tell you a little story about my day, with an emphasis on tasty (or otherwise) treats i encountered along the way.
so the new title of this page is “adventures in good eating”, which is a well-lettered sign i took a picture of on the outside wall of a restaurant in seattle when i made a grunge pilgrimage there in um, 1999, when i thought grunge was dead. and now, 2003, it obviously isn’t! hurrah!
today’s tale is: don’t eat those new strawberry ripes whose advertising campaign is in overdrive. the original cherry ripes are so much better.
So how’s this for serendipity?
I was just crawling about on the carpet, as you do, shifting piles of scrap paper around, when this face peered up at me. I believe at the time, I exhaled (or at least mentally generated) a noise that sounded much like “huh”. The typographocally savvy amongst you will see an asterisk and a randomly cropped serif. Those of youse who normally see things magnified 800% will recognise it as the leftover of a hole punched out of a piece of paper.
You know how resourceful donut chainstores save up all the doughy bits punched out the middle of the donuts, and then fry those up and sell ’em by the cupful as “donut holes”? This is one of them, except no donuts were involved.
There was once a tv campaign to boost the consumption of a misunderstood food product… milk or something. So the camera pans down a chart with various edibles perched alongside their fat content. At 20% – the donut. Hence, if you sat down and ate 5 donuts, it would be as if one of them was made completely of fat.
This editorial is going nowhere. You just came to look at funny pictures anyway. Entry is to your left. Please watch yer step, mind yer head, and take yer chocolate wrappers and empty paper cups with you when you leave.
It’s gonna be wonderful.
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before i had a “blog”, i used to write a sporadically updated letter on the front page of my website. this is one of them. i am consolidating it into these archives, because i can.