my computer shut itself down twice today. once while i read about stellou tripping about the french seaside, slippery with butter; and once while i read about sons swanning about the lindt cafe, buttery with pain au raisin. i know it seems like i’m not doing very much work at all, just frittering away my time blog-reading, but it’s not true at all (and fritters are yummy!): the wound care manual, despite some last minute surprises, is tapering to a close, and the catalogue for the yoof culture exhibition is steadily picking up speed and megabytes.
[ might i say that the material submitted for the catalogue is a complete contrast to the wound stuff: a CD containing the text documents, including a complete list of captions for the pictures, which came on their own CD. and a hard copy of the text, marked up with which pictures should go where. and there is barely a tab in all 60 or so pages. ]
the computer? i cannot send it away to the tech monkeys, because i need it, for blog reading work. maybe in three weeks, after the deadlines are over, but for now i just save a lot, and hope the files don’t become corrupted as a result. and that mr computer doesn’t get worse through my wilfull ignoring of its sickness. i mean, i’m not really ignoring it… just neglecting it. and the thing is, it turns itself off, and i wait half an hour, and then it lets itself be turned back on again.
this morning, my martha stewart e-newsletter arrived, and alerted me to the existence of these charming labels for one’s school notebooks and lunchbags. i love the diabolical messages in the too-cute drawings ññ the cruel playground taunting of the little pig who can’t wait for lunch; the unspoken fates of the white mouse who thinks science class is cool, and the squirrel who may be allergic to nuts; and the best one: the stereotypical asian kid who’s really smart and knows it, and is clearly cruisin’ for a bruisin’.

or maybe i’m reading too much into it. back to work!